Welcome to the club! I have been on blood pressure meds for a couple of years now. It's basically just a water pill and it makes me have to pee every half hour for the first half of the day, but it does the trick! I hope things work out for you. As I have said before, I just shave my head, but I don't think I could be considered graceful at all! :)
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Yep, I don't even know where to get my blood pressure checked in this city. I don't know if it is still that way but when I still lived in USA I remember there being free blood pressure check stations in almost every supermarket.
I think they make you pay a quarter now, but they are still there. My wife and I have a digital cuff we bought on Amazon that we keep at home. As you will see in my comment on your recent post, there are times the doctor wants us to check our pressure at home and report to them.