COVID-19 ROYAL COMMISSION Inquiry into The Terms of Reference First draft

in WARNlast year


In front of me are copies of Senator Gerard Rennick's newsletter and attachments, notifying subscribers of an inquiry into the Terms of Reference for a Covid-19 Royal Commission. Any person or organisation in Australia can make a submission to the COVID-19 Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry.

I'm committing to making a submission for this, partly because it Senator Gerard Rennick who was the only Federal Senator asking for submissions from any Australians who suffered adversely from workplace mRNA injection mandates.

Gerard Rennick attached a very useful guide to his news letter with a list of suggested topics. Below you'll find me addressing two of these; 'Masks and Distancing', and 'Vaccine mandates & economic, and emotional implications'.

This is my first rough draft that turned into a free-flowing rant once repressed memories and emotions became resurrected.

Please enjoy and any criticisms or suggestions are welcome.

Introductory Remarks

Mistakes made during these past few years were made possible through Government overreach, and it is that same overreach which attempts to stymie any discussion and deflect any corrective actions which will ensure such mistakes should never be made again.

Firstly, It has to be looked at as more than just a case of medical and public health policy mismanagement. Whatever more that will become, is what Australia intends pursuing through its whole-of-nation, democratically selected Terms of References.

Without the supply of a suitably broad, thorough and collaborative approach for achieving a whole-of-nation retribution, any Terms of Reference for a COVID-19 ROYAL COMMISSION wont reach the capability or capacity for investigation of those who must be condemned.

The terms of condemnation should be bespoke and unique, and once again sourced through a collaborative nationwide effort. Australians are required to acknowledge what's been lost in the last three years, with those of us who suddenly transform into individuals bearing terrible wrath and vengeance, will be those who are prioritized for requests to contribute in a newly formed Community of Practice for the Enactment of National Condemnation.

Dr Piers Robinson - Cockup or Conspiracy: Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural DeepEvent’

  1. Increasing confirmation that the COVID-19 responses; lockdown, masks, injections make little sense
  2. Increasing evidence that propaganda deployed that deceived and coerced public

Masks and Distancing

Anonymous post by a Canadian flag on 4chan's /pol board, dated 8th August 2020.


In 4 months, the U.S transformed into an obedient socialist country. Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And you bought it without a fight.

Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard". Small businesses were forced to closed but crowds to support the corporate money machine at WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are OK.

Come on. It's "just a mask" & "safety precautions".

How about a little hush money? Here's $2,400 that we stole out of your pay check in the first place. Enjoy. Buy something with it. From a big corporation.

Cash is dirty. We cant' give change. There's a coin shortage. Use your card. In 4 months, they convinced you to use a traceable card for everything.

In less than 4 months, government closed public schools then "restructured" education under the guise of "public safety". In less than 4 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" that have NO scientific premise whatsoever when you are fearful.

In less than 4 months, our government successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in American that allows them to control every aspect of your life. Including what you eat, where you go, who you see and your toilet paper.

The most dangerous and terrifying part? People are not afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They're afraid of their neighbours, family and friends.

And they hate those who won't comply

It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don't question "authority". They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just... gave up without thinking. Without a fight.

"The Face Covering Directives of Western Australia are Self-Contradictory - Thanks To The Media & The Politicians". My post on the #HIVE blockchain, dated 8th February 2021

Read the comments under my article for some advice shared to others regarding how to obtain a Medical Exemption for Western Australia's Face Masking mandate.

It was a hot summer day on the 1st February 2021 when the Premier of Western Australia commenced his melodramatic mask catwalk towards his daily pulpit for press releasing plandemic panic. Only three days later, he hit the national nightly news circuit to give the latest public health proclamation.

WA Premier Mark McGowan confirms no new COVID-19 cases after four days in lockdown - 4th February 2021.

Vaccine mandates & economic, and emotional implications

WA to introduce strictest rules for unvaccinated - 14th January, 2022.
Western Australia is introducing the strictest rules in the nation for the unvaccinated.
Premier Mark McGowan has extended proof of vaccination to a broad range of venues and events from January 21.

It was a horrible start for 2022; jobless, distraught and suddenly finding myself going through what I can describe in hindsight as a catastrophic targeting of State government psychological / medical warfare to induce me into complete catatonia. Or worse, to die.

TERMINATED? Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations in Western Australia - 15th January 2022
I'm sitting here gritting my teeth, eyesight wavering and out of focus, trying quite hard to recall what that moment was like in early January 2022. I had lost my employment prior to Christmas 2021 because of refusing to disclose any private medical health information to my employer. As part of the newly implemented vaccination mandate requirement, over 75% of Western Austrailia's working population found themselves at odds with their employers, who now had a requirement forcing their employees through acts of wilful medical malfeasance, to wilfully to harm themselves or lose employment.
Jaws clenching harder, a vice-like lockjaw wishing I had fangs and Daddy McGowan's most tenderest fleshloins were within biting distance. The utterly appalling public health & leadership communication exhibited in this short video clip serves as a primal reminder that I can yet enact retribution through a higher calling demanding it be so.
I remember now, bitterly recall lingering emotions of death, dying and killing.Consequences? So be it.
But I'm not crying or upset. I'm drilling holes and glaring daggers with a searing gaze glaring back nearly 23 months into the past, when I was made to be less than a "member of society."
When I was already terminated from a workplace where it was me, only me who did not jump on the "jab-yourself-with-the-dumb-cunt-juice bandwagon. When I was at a point in my life where life did not appear to be possible because I no longer existed, and the newly announced draconian medical mafia mandate measures were intended to erase me from existence.
Either literally kill me or enforce a new sub-class where "choosing... (fucking CHOOSING!)" to no longer be a "member of society" ensured a future of misery, myopic hopelessness and mandated financial destitution.

I bought a bunch of stickers online and stuck them around my local hood, unmasked, uninjected and not passported or tracked by any contact tracing applications. Not signing into contact registers in public places. Not knowing if the next public place I enter would end up with me erupting like a pent-up volcano of Pompeii's scale - raging out hardcore because of politics, public health and politicians.
I hated everyone in the state of Western Australia at this point, and also had to endure a handful of woeful instances where those closest to me acted in the most diabolically inhumane manner. I still make these individuals cry when I remind them, quite forcefully and face to face, one on one. You stupid little child trying to forget what your compliance enabled and attempted to enforce onto me: ME being one of the only adults left in the whole fucking state!

Parting Thoughts


It is good that men that remained sane during their persecution are up to ensure it won't be repeated, or unpunished.
