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RE: "Emprender: ¿Un salto al vacío?" [Esp-Eng]

Good evening @cajiro. The truth is that when we decide to undertake we literally take a big leap and in many ways "into the unknown dimension" because we cannot be certain of guaranteed success, the certainties we have are knowledge, experiences, abilities, skills and those immense motivation to take the leap.

Greetings, a highly motivating post.😊

Buenas noches @cajiro. La verdad es que cuando nos decidimos emprender literalmente damos un gran salto y de muchas maneras "hacia la dimensión desconocida" porque no podemos tener la certeza del éxito asegurado,las certezas que tenemos son los conocimientos, las experiencias, las habilidades, destrezas y esas inmensa motivación para dar el salto.

Saludos, un post altamente motivador.😊


Certainly motivation is a key factor to make the best leap as entrepreneurs 😊.

Thank you very much friend @damarysvibra for your valuable comment. Greetings and success for this beautiful community 🙂