I tell you that even if everyone on earth go into one patter of business, a lot of people will still make their normal profit just like the way you made yours from the Bazaar despite having competitors.
Having 30 entrepreneurs in your Bazaar was a good 👍 teaching and marketing as new things will come in a competitive manner.
Les digo que incluso si todos en la tierra se involucran en un solo patrón de negocios, muchas personas seguirán obteniendo sus ganancias normales de la misma manera que usted obtuvo las suyas en el Bazar a pesar de tener competidores.
Tener 30 emprendedores en tu Bazar fue una buena 👍 enseñanza y mercadeo ya que vendrán cosas nuevas de manera competitiva.
That's right, we must insist and persist, doing what we like, this should bring very good results. Thank you very much for your comment, I appreciate your message.