Hi there lovely and creative people of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having a fine day.
Here I am with my drawing/illustration piece. This time its not a happy face 😌. Its a life and there are happiness with some sadness as well.
There is also a time to laugh aloud and sometimes we have situations where we can't get anything after thinking about it for hours...
It happens mostly when its about people, we care about...
So this time I tried to draw/illustrate a man who is thinking deeply to handle the situation HAHA, and he will surely get some fantastic idea 😅😅

Software I used :
Adobe Illustrator 2019

Working Steps :
I start with rough drawing to get an idea...

I start with face shape using ellipse tool and than draw one arm using pen tool and copy/mirror it to have another one...
Did same for hands and legs.

Than I worked on inner face objects and fill the color to finish it.

That's all for now, Hope I will come with some happy faces in my next blogs HAHA, take care and have a wonderful day!

Hope You like it,
Thanks for the Visit

Regards.Nice one here @shrazi . So amazing and awesome 🤩👍.
Thanks SunShine for appreciation 😊
You are welcome. Beautiful drawing ❤️.
This time it is a sad one 😅👏
Hahah yes, So sad... HAHAH
Thanks Mr. Pravesh for your visit 😁
Give him Pizza and make him happy 😁
I am waiting when he gets back to normal I will take Pizza from him 😂😂
haha... he will be sad again
😄😄 don't take him so serious, think about Uncle eating Pizza 😋😋
Nice one uncle, it's normal for is to feel sad sometimes but it shouldn't be always so you are totally on point 🥰.
Thanks Hope for your visit and Uncle in on point haha 😊
Thank you for sharing your drawing
Thanks to you for your visit here, Darang Allyson 😊