Hello creative community,
The Divers
I am participating in the drawing challenge of @theithei which had been here for years now. This is actually the 93rd edition and I had been a part of it during my early days here on this community. I call my art
It was not easy creating this entry because all of the ideas I had in my imagination were all already taken by participants who submitted their entries early. I just kept flipping the given shape below until something came up.
What can you possibly think of when you see this shape above? A dinosaur is my first idea but was already taken. I am happy thought that I was able to still create something and this entry is not something that I would normally draw. I saw a platform forming in my head when I try to reimagine what this shape can be. A nice table for a student maybe or a futuristic bicycle. I went for the diving platform obviously. Now that is already settled the next challenge is how to convince the readers that this is a diving platform? Hmmm I attached the given shape to a structure that looks like a steel. I do not know what this could be the important thing for me is this shape has to be anchored somewhere so it can look like a platform. It is up to you guys to think if this is a ship or a metal structure. The divers are the easiest to create after my idea was finalized. I could have added some clouds or maybe water below but I think that they would take away the focus from the platform. It was fun making this entry hope you enjoyed reading. If you want to join kindly read the details here:
Practice helps us get better each time we try. That is the aim of
Doodle Magic Drawing Challengelink I can't wait to see your entries. I think this a good community to join and participate in if you are looking for fun and inspiring challenges related to art, drawing, scribbles and many more. Why not give it a try and show us your drawing. You may use the hash tag #drawaday so it will be easier to find. If you are already a member of the Draw A Day community, you may simply post your creation here and help the community grow. If you want to be a part of the community simply click on this
Wow this looks great wait for my entry
simple , clean and effective