As many freemasons and their evil factions are falling into disgrace (or into light) in every corner of the world as the consequences of their actions catch up to them let me talk about a bit of my very narrow perspective as a non believer, (gnostic of sorts i guess) and maybe bring some light into the darkness.
Satanic ritual abuse takes up many forms in our society and most of it is actually not something exclusively physical, but it is about mind control and slavery it reaches a point were you are basically giving up your body and soul. That is just one of the ways of showing their power trip. Like someone once said "they'll put your grandma against you" and that is true, whole generations go up in flames.
Are you having a rough time with your family, are you homeless, broke in debt or grinding everyday to pay for the next day ? You just might be another victim.. of yourself. What ?
Yes they'll create all sort of troubles to teach you lessons, lessons of control, to then tell you "see i told you so", just like in "1984" book, room 101 where the character is almost dead and in torture, and the idea that "if you just complied" it would all have worked out.
Most of it (SAR) at least in Europe and probably in the USA is followed by many freemasons and also many religions organizations as catholic, jews, satanic, and many others, many without knowing it of course. Other cultures will probably follow with their different religions, just because it benefits the top and/or for "security", or the illusion of it not because it's for the "common good" and actually beneficial or productive for society as a whole. On the contrary it is just one of the big ways how the structural violence of society is engrained and perpetuaded, and slavery tolerated and propagated on the market, companies and work life.
For those that ignore religion, maybe it's harder to follow up, i'm wondering, caught in a maze, left in the emptyness with the "soulless", considered crazy for speaking the truth. But being in this position myself from a young age allowed me to see how it affects everyone religious or not. This is because if you do not follow the script, you become a glitch in the matrix and many don't know how to react to inovative or reactionary toughts, because they are stuck in this religious bubble of control.
The bible (which i have not read in full) gives some good moral teachings and warns about the different types of evils that these type of people will throw at you on a daily baisis, but i think that faith alone will not save you, you must translate it into action as in most situations no one is going to save you, most people will let your body and soul rot without interfering, because they are either numbed down, benefiting or afraid of repercusions and because this cult has been sucessful for centuries or millenia.
They follow it not because it works on people but because it breaks them, it breaks the mind of humans that is why it is also followed by many armies and government agencies, so that the youngsters are molded and shaped even faster and easier to identify the prey and the predator of society so that they can play their parts.
They are everywhere, new-age movements, churches, rural, corporate, etc.
These kind of organizations are usually made up by old people, very old or mid-aged, but corrupting and recruting the young as possible. Many are sexist, imagine the most feminist and the most male chauvinist. Narcicist people "closed" and split in usually same sex organizations working for their own selfish interests. Women are exploited and used as they are mens greatest distraction until they are given power later in their lives if any at all after leaving behind their minds and soul.
These societies use religions as a script to destroy you and to bring you into salvation afterwards (or not), they will use religion against you and many will justify inaction with it.
I am thankful for many americans (specially), europeans, africans, canadians, christians, gnostics, jews and many others even freemasons im sure, standing up over the years and spreading the word of God in their own way or good actions and what they believe are good morals for this world. I believe in the human consciensness as a power for good and not the other way around.
I am sorry that this is what we as a society have becomed or eagered to become. I believe that we shall overcome as a civilization.
Any society that is not founded in family, good values and community is doomed to fail, can not procriate and just recruit and mind control. They would rather control your learning than to actually teach you. That is why they are pushing "artificial intelligence" specially into the classroom.
As for me i have been always reconnecting with nature which teaches me discipline, patience and peacefullness, altough it is a lifetime of learning. I never left this country, not to live abroad, but now getting older i seeing things different, and hope is something that is getting old in Portugal, but i will keep on dreaming with my little corner in this beautifull garden, for now.
Feel free to comment about your perspective on this, spirituality, religion, etc.
And i will finish and leave you a quote from the wiki of the game Cyberpunk which i never played but it sums up pretty accurately and satirically the state of Portugal.
Portugal is the showcase of what would megacorps do if they controlled the world, and the worst of it is that it is not totally bad. There is no Portuguese government as such. Rather half a dozen corporations (Arasaka, Amazonian Service and Security, WNS, Iberian Agrolndustrials, Metropolitan Merchant Finance, and Oliveira-Leisure) control the country. The EEC allows it because the specific weight of Portugal in Europe is insignificant and the balance is not affected.
In Portugal, life is serene and quiet. The "Government!" subsidizes almost everything from food to television, and all you have to do is carry out your job assigned according to your qualifications profile, all jobs are intended to be manageable. The EEC charter forces Portugal's borders to be open without restriction to any EEC products, services or, citizens but it's very difficult to sell foreign products if the stores will not accept it and if the advertisement bubble of WNS does not cover it. Portugal is the biggest experiment with a captive market in history.
And the market is steadily growing. The serene and calm atmosphere Arasaka strives so hard to achieve (and woe to anybody who interferes with it, as his family will never recover his or her body) attracts third age tourism as they value quiet over freedom and many corporate tourists too. The death of the Mediterranean tourism industry has been an added plus, so now the European pensioners flock to the dear beaches and orderly urbanization in the country.
Any rebel against the system will be "reeducated" to purge any antisocial behavior. The fact that those who survive reeducation suffer physical and psychological problems is a small price to pay for the common good. Still, not all Portuguese people have folded to the corporates the most daring of which operate from Spain, using pirate stations to interfere with official channels or smuggling restricted material. Many joined Europa Sur, and most have simply traveled to other EEC countries enjoying the full depth of their rights and privileges as European citizens. From 2010 to 2018 almost a million people left the country. There are Portuguese areas in most cities, and hundreds of small eurocrats (lacking the necessary political clout to reach the higher ranks, while still supporting each other are beginning to prepare EEC intervention in the country.
Image by @doze
Banner by @em3di
@steembasicincome / Hive Basic Income

So many bad Intentions and a crazy world.
Let's see if this works... Yay!
Governments are always the enemy.
the stuff about Portugal is pretty funny, I came here for a month 2.5 years ago and got stuck because of the covid circus. my wife is Portuguese and I'm American so we weren't sure if I'd ever see her again if I left (since we won't be medical experiments for big pharma or worse). now we have a little quinta near serra da estrella.
I have to admit I don't really like it here. partly I miss my friends and family but partly it just seems like people hate themselves here. Almost everyone we've dealt with here has lied to us either for profit or seemingly just for fun. they smile at your face and then gossip incessantly, and complain nonstop. Not all but most. and the corporate media brainwashing is as you say, nearly complete.
Maybe the situation is exacerbated by the lack of young people out here in the ruural areas, maybe porto and lisbon are more aware? I don't really like spending too much time in the city so I'm not sure.
I've even mostly given up on learning the language because it just seems so toxic. it seems healthier to struggle to interact than to have to listen to people lie and complain all the time.
Sorry for the rant, I mean no offense to you, obviously there are Portuguese people who are an exception (I did marry one although even she struggles against her upbringing and relapses any time we have to visit her family). I'm realizing that even though I'm happy being alone most of the time out in nature, longterm isolation is getting a bit tough on me.
Anyway. Fuck the system and their mind control.
I apreciate the honest rant. You're on point with pretty much everything. That is interesting (met and heard several getting stuck here months also) and sad at the same time but glad it turn out nice or the best way possible. It is one of the best things you can do against this atmosphere is to try and be the most sustainable possible.
It is a very different atmosphere from 15/20y ago and much fewer people first there was the migration from the villages to the coast, lisbon an big cities, then the next generations went abroad and millions left in the last 10/20y so there is barely a portuguese work force (this part mostly gov and EU responsible).
We have good people like you mention not all are the same, but we have the worst also.
These people gossiping are probably wishing that you were working for them 😅 much of this comes from the work / slavery environment. I had terrible experiences with some jobs either in the city or villages, bullying, discrimination, among others. Employers and big companies have been creating this atmosphere for the young people in the cities and immigrants coming in for some time and the consequences are starting to hit the cities with crime going a bit crazier than usual and young people, real state bullying is also a thing for some time.
I left the city almost 10y ago coming and going to different places and i have yet to stabilize, on the contrary.
In the cities which are now with more people (young and immigrants), rents almost doubled, around lisbon 400/600€ now minimum, and they are packed with more fast food places and shoppings, etc, also due to crime things also close earlier in most cities.
You are right that it may be more aware people in the cities (maybe just more sociable about it or easier to find) but it is still a bit chaotic in this aspect also and the others mentioned, you could go on vacation or take a few days to the coast around Lisbon or Alentejo, Algarve from time to time if you can.
I think that we have some weird political sync with the US with alot of politics or social experiments, laws or new laws, being very similar (more to the left side probably) but there seems to be good resistance against this totalitarianism on the other side of the ocean at least in some states, than here even tough the country also looks very divided and chaotic.
I would say long term that if you can keep up with the taxes and regulations you would be ok, but it seems that way around here most that stay independent end up being less sociable people and also most don't spend much in travel. I would say if you think you would be better there why not, i know i would consider it if i wasn't deep in burocratic s*** and in debt and life... EU just seems to be falling apart and i think the states is still looking like it may pull itself together on the upside but who knows, there is chaos everywhere.
Anyway the best for you both and enjoy the summer sun starting to show up :)
Also, I just noticed your banner and damn the chem trails are Heavy here!