Artifact Poses Deep Questions


A local man from the village recently found some pre-Columbian clay artifacts in the mountainous areas surrounding our village. These accounts are quite common; many people often find artifacts, obsidian tools, even bone shards. Most are never intact as they are usually found by accident through agricultural practices.

This particular piece in the photo sent to me is not only intact but depicts something very peculiar. What do you see in its imagery? Let's look at the facts. It might be the lid to some type of container. The figure on it is humanoid, but has features that are anything but human. It has large wraparound eyes, nostrils but no nose, and most notably the elongated skull. There is also some evident association with snakes (a motif shared even with another piece in the background) and they even have similar eyes.

The long lost ancient artist made this piece depicting something truly alien. There was no media back then as there is now, flooded with the 'stereotypical space alien' imagery. These people had to have seen these beings firsthand. But what was their relationship with them?

Across the world, ancient civilizations worshipped 'gods' that came from the stars. For example, Ramses the Great, an Egyptian pharaoh, was the offspring of the gods and often depicted with green skin. Are we meant to be ruled over by alien god-kings?

Apparently there is a very dark aspect to the alien phenomenon, a spiritual aspect. One so dark, people in the know 'don't even want to tell their wives about this'. And the government(s) are complicit. Have you ever really wondered why the government covers up the existence of extraterrestrial life? To say "cover up" almost seems like an understatement. THEY SUPRESS THIS WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. They do it in an almost unnatural way that even seems to border on desperation. Is the government held hostage by some alien force? Did they sign some treaty, some agreement, to sell us off for some dark purpose and are now struggling to keep a lid on it?

Have you ever heard the theory of the prison planet? That this Earth is more akin to a zoo, a prison. We are not meant to be trapped here. Take our bodies as evidence. Our backs cannot handle the gravity of this planet. Our skin cannot handle the the rays of 'our own' sun. We suffer strange, chronic diseases; no animal on this planet suffers the Earth like we do.

Perhaps aliens are soul-farming us. Bob Lazar said he read some documents in which the extraterrestrials view us as containers. We have something they don't have. And they want it.

This begs many questions. Why are we a species with amnesia? Why don't they want us to know about past civilizations? Why do they put sodium fluoride (the active ingredient in rat poison) in our drinking water, toothpaste, even in our salt? Things the vast majority of people use? The same with the aluminum in deodorant and the aluminum that planes rain down on us in the form of chemtrails. All of this is in an effort to control us. But to what end?

Remember, we all have a connection to the Source. And something I discovered is that WE ARE THE SOURCE. We all have latent psychic abilities subdued by various efforts including our own culture. Listen, follow your intuition. You may also discover you, too, have natural abilities bursting forth. Practice with them. Hone them. It must be for a damn good reason they don't want us to know our own power.