The Conspiracy Behind the Conspiracy: A 10yr Reflection

in Conspiracy Realists7 months ago (edited)

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On this very special episode, HECTOR celebrates 10yrs of podcasting and pursuing the truth beyond the comforts of ideology. To celebrate this major accomplishment, COMBO hosts FOUR HOURS live-stream for the Combo Community.


Hector contextualizes his personal growth as well as his critical analysis of the freedom movement, the pitfalls of activism, alternative communities and the implications of the cyber domain. The entire recording is available via Patreon ⁠and at ⁠combomedia⁠.org --to participate in the active discussion join us on telegram.

Hector's main concerned with the ongoing Carnival of Conspiracy is an outcome of Automated Manipulation in the NEW AGE OF INTELLIGENCE. The paradigmatic shift in the Information is that people are actively engaging with hyper-real narratives effectively disconnecting them from their authentic life-path. INTERACTIVE INTERNET ACTIVITIES has effectively infiltrated alternative communities, the alternative media and culture to such an extent that the crucial reality of life is increasingly irrelevent.

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