In the hustle and bustle of the last few days related to the illness of two of my dogs, I paid little attention to my plants, especially those that are outside the house. But today, passing by the magnolia that I planted about six years ago and which has already pleased me three times with spring blooms, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. My eyesight caught this moment and my brain reacted, but I didn't immediately understand what the problem was. I went back and looked at the magnolia more carefully. Needless to say, what I saw surprised and upset me. The plant is preparing for flowering! In January! When there are two more months of winter ahead. Maybe these two months won't be too cold, but it's just naive to believe that there will be no frost!
Will the plant have enough strength to bloom again in spring or will all the strength be spent now. Of course, I don't think I'll be admiring the magnolia flowers in January. But having spent all the enthusiasm on preparing for flowering now, the plant can do it in the spring. It will be really hurtful. I understand that sooner or later the plants will adapt to our new climate, but it will probably take several years.
I tried to find information on the Internet on how to act in such a situation. Needless to say, I didn't find anything! There are many recommendations on how to make the trees bloom, but no one writes what to do so that they do not do it. Maybe no one has come up with a plan for such a case yet.
Tomorrow, if I'm not too busy at the veterinary clinic, I plan to examine the other trees in my garden. Perhaps a not very pleasant surprise awaits me.
I can't say that I didn't think about this problem before. I even had an idea to grow columnar fruit trees in a greenhouse! But let's be honest, I can't cover my whole garden with a dome!
It's a little easier with flowers. Although this cannot be said, for example, about roses or hibiscus. These shrubs also found themselves in a difficult situation due to weather surprises caused by global warming. Now I'm absolutely not sure what my garden will look like this summer!
I think we will feel the real winter in these three months, at least in my country :)
That's what worries me. My poor plants can suffer
I hope that both your plants and your dogs get better, it is a bit difficult to take care of plants and trees when the weather is aggressive, here many of our plants died, but luckily most of them recovered, I hope you find positive answers 🙏
Thank you my dear friend!🤗
Is it some kind of fruit or is it some kind of flower
As long as it is winter, they do not need any kind of disturbance as they will start to feed. again on their own, you just have to give them more fertilizer on time,You just have to keep in mind that there should not be excess water in it and keep watering it on time.