Hive Garden: Chrysanthemum season


I already said, despite all my love for chrysanthemums, they turned out to be very difficult flowers for me. I repeatedly tried to plant them in my garden, but every time I failed. This year I decided to make one last try.

I once again read everything related to the cultivation of chrysanthemums, and I paid special attention to how to preserve flowers in winter. Then I bought the already formed plants.

This year I didn't plant them in the flower bed, leaving them in pots. A little handmade and a big old basin turned into a flower bed on my balcony. So far, everything is going well. The flowers bloomed and delight me with bright colors. After they fade, I will have to put them in a cool place where they will spend the winter. I hope I'll succeed this time.





What a beautiful flower, it looks like a pompom, I had planted a white one, but it was annihilated by pests, we are similar in that haha 😂

I hope yours continue to grow, they are beautiful and mixed with different colors are an art 😍

 4 days ago  

They are a delight to see in the garden! Stunning. I have also struggled with them really, and I just gave up. They always grow beautifully until the aphids and similar pests hit them. I am sure I can just use something to kill these pests, but I am not a big fan of interfering with such things. Best of luck for you!

Seeing so much beauty I think it's a success 👏🏻👏🏻

They look so nice! I think they are a pretty flower because they are so full and bright!

Thank you, dear 🤗