You have planted some of my favorite veggies and herbs. Basil, what a wonderful herb. My wife just loves the stuff and is constantly plucking a few leaves from the plant just to smell. Aroma therapy as she calls it.
Recently, our daughter attended a wedding in Greece and she absolutely loved it. Some of the pictures she showed us included several Islands as well as the mainland. Spectacular blue water. The one thing that impressed her the most was the friendly people that she met while there.
Good luck with your garden, you have gotten off to a great start.
We use basil a lot in our cuising and I love this herb too, smells so good.
Yeah Greece is a really beautiful place to visit especially sping and summer season. I am sure you will love the sun and the beautiful beaches here if you ever visit too.
Thank you so much for your comment @thebigsweed 🙂
A future vacation to Greece is on the drawing board.