Doing some transplanting in the grow room

in HiveGarden3 months ago

I got myself some plants about a month ago during the black friday/cyber monday sales. A few rose plants, marjoram, sage, elderberry plants, and clematis plants. When I got them I quickly realized they already outgrew their containers and would need to be transplanted before spring comes around. With some new pots in hand I move over the smallest of the potted plants. And will focus on the others soon enough.

I started off moving the rose plants, they are mostly dormant though the lights and warm grow room may wake them up. Our water heater and wood furnace plumbing comes through this room so it stays pretty warm.

The marjoram looked the most confined in their little pots. Though just about everything needed to go a size up.

Even with their little pots they are shooting off new growth. I am unsure if these will survive where I live, but its worth a try next spring and see if they will become established perennials.

A few of the rush bushes came in bigger pots, but a couple were in some small ones. So I moved the smaller ones to new pots.

All of the sage as well needed to be moved. Those are the bluish colored plants.

Moving the rose plants seems like they would have much more space. All I need is for them to be happy for around 4 months and then they can go in the ground.

Ah looks much happier in the bigger pot.

Another one moved, its dirt retained the shape of the old rectangle shaped pot.. lol

We can see the roots reaching the sides and bottom, a sign they have outgrown their pots.

I add some benefical fungi and bacteria to where the roots will rest, hopefully they will colonize and form a relationship with the plant roots helping them grow better.

That is quite the root ball, examples like that are what I was after. Putting them in bigger pots will help.

I am mixing the bags of garden soil with seedling mix, so hopefully they will like the mix of both.

We can see some dead asian lady beetles inside. They have found the plant and gone after any pests brought over from the nursery. Now dead they will add to the soil.

Another root bound plant, hopefully they will come back from this without issue. Probably a good idea to pry apart the root ball but honestly I did not do that.. It can cause the plant to go into shock sometimes.

Should have much more space in these bigger pots.

The Clematis plants were really hit or miss, seems like not every one survived. But I moved them anyways, this one is doing pretty well. With a asian lady beetle hanging out on it.

We can see the roots coming out of the bottom.. They really need to be transplanted.

Eventually I get them moved over and give them a good watering.

Quite the happy plant there.

I may need to get some bigger pots for these four rose bushes. Maybe put them in some one cannabis cloth pots until spring.

Moving them seemed to shock them a bit, so I hope they come back. But a bigger pot is a good idea as long as they recover a little from their big move.

Probably a good pruning would help as well. All that dead growth does not help out the plant.

I moved all the rose plants in the smaller pots though, so I am sure they will be happy.

Hoping the pine seedlings bounce back soon. I started new seeds just in case.

The elderberry plants will be difficult to transplant. They are vining plants and quite tall. So I may need to train their branches down and put them in some bigger pots as well.

They are coming out of dormancy since they are in the warm room with the grow lights around them.

So for now the smaller pots have been removed, and the plants that were in those have more space. But soon I will probably need to move the elderberry plants, along with the larger rose bushes. Need to make sure I have enough space for them. I do not want to put them in my grow tents, in case they have spider mites or something like that. Do not want to introduce pests into my clean grow areas. So it will be best to just keep them in this room away from my cannabis plants.


Before I even begin to comment on the new members of your herb family, the best wishes for the year 2025 (and beyond) are sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from Croatia.
The plants need to be repotted urgently. This allows them to develop more fully in a larger container. This will work even better, however, if you use a fork (or something similar) to free the compressed root balls from the tangle so that the roots can get used to the new soil as quickly as possible.
Sage, marjoram and thyme do not like to grow in a climate that is too warm in the winter. They are also not very sensitive to frost, and they need time to regenerate during the winter months. Even my rosemary can withstand temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius.



So true, breaking up the roots would indeed help. But I fear putting the plant into shock by doing that.. Not all plants like their roots broken up like that.. maybe they would have been fine, maybe not.. never know.

It will be interesting to see if the marjoram takes outdoors.. It may be just warm enough for them to survive in the winter here.

No plant will be happy with roots crammed into a container that is too small, I can assure you. Usually, the 'freed' roots are also shortened (cut back) before the plant is replanted.
There's no need for concern about your aromatic herbs. With the exception of basil, all the others can cope quite well with a colder climate.

It looks like you put the roses in 1 gallon pots, if so, they will be fine until spring. When cutting the roses back cut to just above a 5 leave.

I only buy plants from the discount rack, I pull them up from their pot and try to get the ones with the whitest roots, brown roots are not a good sign.

Roses are easy to propagate, take a cutting the way I said, put it in a pot with soil, and place it in a shady area, keep it wet but not soaked. I put 4 cuttings to the pot. In a couple of months, you will have a new rosebush.
Happy New Year's Eve

I think they are half gallon pots. I got that size so they will fit side by side under the lights. Hopefully thats enough space for them. The pots they came in were half the size, so figured whatever is bigger would help.

Oh nice, I got these on sale too.

Nice, I grew roses where I lived previously. Will be good to grow more..

Even if roots do grow out the bottom, they will be ok until Spring.

Good evening my brother
From this post I can learn a lot about plants and how to manage them, and the act of moving plants to bigger pots is also a very correct thing. It's really amazing,. Have a nice day and happy new year my brother 🥳🤗

Yep, I think it should help..

Ah thanks, hope you have a good new year too.

They are really growing fast

Hah sure are.

I really appreciate the activities you show, apart from being good at gardening, you also like preserving types of flowers. always a pleasure my brother @solominer❤️👍

No problem happy to be showing off how I grow.

Looking good. I really need to look into starting some plants early the next time I do a garden. I usually wait until the last minute and just buy the already started plants. That really puts me behind the curve I think. My mom and dad go to Walmart and they pick up the old frosting buckets from the bakery and they use those for their plants. It seems to work well for them.

Hah well hope you get a good garden started. We are gonna be starting our early spring seeds real soon. Gonna try to grow some cold weather crops early and then the summer crops later on.

Oh cool.. always good to get free pots.

These plants are growing very healthy even though they are grown in a room. I really still think that plants grow better in direct sunlight and in a natural environment but your plants are flourishing beautifully!

Around where I live you must move plants indoors if they are potted.. Otherwise the freezing weather will kill them. Once in the ground and established many are fine. But until spring I must keep them indoors for their safety.

Wow! So, do you need a specific room to create a plants friendly environment or you just keep them with you anywhere inside your home?

I think you are a very observant person, like observing the growth of the roots and adding fungi that are beneficial to the well-being of your plants. May the growth be as expected.🌱 And happy new year too.

Much appreciated, yep I think their roots needed a little help.

You are an expert in the plant kingdom, and we wish you and yours to have a blessed New Year.


Hah.. always learning but have learned a lot already as well.

thanks, hope you have a good new year as well.

It's all about the willingness to learn my friend, and you are open to it. That's why you are successful.

Thanks for the reciprocation.


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Looking great. Happy gardening.

thanks a lot, will do.

Excellent shots, I congratulate you once again. I always appreciate your visits to my publications. Best wishes.

Thanks much.

You know what, I like your setup :)

Ah thank you

Buen transplante de plantas 🪴 algunas ya por sus raíces las necesitaban. Yo ya nada mas baje un poco el frió y empiece marzo tengo que hacer varios transplantes de cactus 🌵 y abonarlos. Así en primavera crecen más y me presentan buena cantidad de flores para polinizarlos, y obtener buena cantidad de semillas este año.

Saludos desde la isla 🇨🇺 @solominer, gran trabajo que desarrollas, Feliz año nuevo bro !! 😉👏🎄🎆!!!

Oh man I remember transplanting cactus.. make sure you have some good gloves and tongs.. lol

Happy new year sir.🎉🎉 Hoping to see more garden posts this year.😊

Ah thanks, happy new year to you as well.

You're welcome. 😊😊 Enjoy this year.😊

Nature never stops and we need to keep the pace with it. Wish you for all the transplanted plants to enjoy the new "leg" space and for them to blossom.

Thanks, I hope they enjoy the extra leg room as well.

"Your gardening plans and care approach sound amazing! Ensuring the right pots and proper care for each plant is truly important. I hope your garden blooms beautifully with flowers and fruits in the spring. Wishing you all the best!"

Ah thank you, much appreciated.

Transplanting those plants was really necessary to give them more space, coupled with great soil and just the right amount of warmth, they would perform excellently.

I do hope that they like their new soil.. so time will tell.

More space would be to the advantage of these tender plants, certainly the best decision to transplant.

Yep I think so too.

Roses! One of my favorite plants! =)

Me too, they are so great smelling..

In my opinion, your indoor plants have grown and are cool, is it possible to grow plants indoors or outdoors?

Glad you like them.. Since it is very cold outside this time of year here I will grow them indoors and then move them outdoors during the spring.

Everything makes a large space for them to have more freedom to put out good roots, I think the way you move from a small pot to a bigger pot is a very good idea because I see so happy when they have a new, bigger house.
Happy New Year my friend, may you always display great ideas from agriculture 🙏😍

Yep so true, those plants need more root space. Glad I was able to get them in new pots.

thank you, happy new year to you too.

Great idea.The idea of ​​planting plants in tubs indoors is great. May the planting plan be successful in the new year🤝🙋‍♀️💕

Much appreciated, hopefully my plan will work.

A beautiful garden idea. But you have planted many seedlings. In the new year you will have a beautiful garden.

Ah thank you, yep that is the plan.. many will go into the ground next year.
