Electroculture family/garden update 🌱

in HiveGarden β€’ 2 years ago (edited)


For the last week Sabrina & I have been very focused on the garden while the children have been focused on their art. Above you can see a drawing Esteban did (featuring a mobile home with free energy device on top) for Luna to colour in. This is their latest game which I am very much in favour of, working as a team. No matter they are not helping us!

Some of you may remember that last year we had two jam-packed gardens, particularly on this piece of land which I utilised to the max.


The problem however is that I didn't know about electroculture back then and therefore didn't design the layout with this in mind.

As such I decided to start from scratch, this time accounting for magnetised cables running from north to south every few meters, with walkways in between over the top of watering channels. I intend for this land (which is visible from a public path) to be a showcase garden for electroculture which will inspire and educate those who care to stop and chat with me about it.

Two months ago we dug in our first electroculture cable, which was a lot of fun. Please see the post linked above to understand more about how these cables work and this post if you are keen to make your own devices on a budget.

IMG_9502 2.jpeg

Since then I have added three more magnetised cables, marked with string on the surface.


It turns out our garden is almost aligned with north/south but not quite. Out by around 30 degrees.


So we basically had to pick everything up and shift it 30 degrees! Leaving beds like this looking a bit lost.


At the same time I have been planting a load of things in pots, as one does in the spring.


Happy to report my sunken armadillo greenhouse is still going strong after two months, unlike its predecessor.


Here we have Esteban practicing his ninja moves.


While Luna makes beds for princesses.


Looks comfortable :)


Magnetised peas

A month ago, after installing the first cable, I had the idea to connect it to a metal frame which supported a block of peas.


Here you can see where I have connected the cable with copper for good measure.


And here you can see the magnetised mess of metal I expect the peas to grow into.


I believe this will have a great effect on them, but obviously the proof is in the pudding and the results will be compared with control groups.


Have been adding random bits of metal I find in the forest, like this red bicycle piece and something else, origin unknown.


In this image you can see the magnetised pea block in the background with my pyramid base in the foreground, inside which potatoes will be planted.


For now the pyramid is sitting on a bed of beans with other potted plants inside, all of them getting a good boost before planting out.


Back home I have my copper pyramid set up on the south facing window, charging seeds and other things.


While the cat sleeps in a box under the mimosa, next to our energiser which is also charging a ton of seeds ;)


We covered around half the land with these north/south watering walkways between the magnetised cables.


Then we made intersecting channels running east/west to create blocks.


Still getting some frosts in the morning as you can see.


I've had loads of this plastic tubing hanging around for years so decided to cut it up and make it useful.


I did this because we don't have much wood to cover the walkways and had resorted to creating weird and wonderful things like these, using what I could find. While I like the way these look I don't think they will stand the test of time.


And so, I decided to do this instead.


Creating walkways with what I had.


Looking around our local forest I am always able to find loads of useful things, like this metal pipe which I have drilled drainage holes into.


I positioned it carefully on one of the magnetised cables which may have the effect of magnetising the whole tube and doing something useful to the water as it flows through.


Starting to take shape now.


Just need to find more tubes for the watering channels before I can continue into the rest of the land.

Once the water fills all these grids it will flow out of this hole and re-join the canal.


This is assuming we have a canal this summer! Just yesterday we were told by the mayor it is now illegal to water our plants (due to shortages) and will be fined €1,500 if we are caught. And that's just the first time. If you get caught a second time the fine is €4,000! Who cares that people need to eat. The crazy part is that it rained yesterday, our canal has loads of water, our local reservoir is full and there is plenty of snow on our mountain which unless I am mistaken should be melting at this time of year producing a ton of water???

All of it is just nuts and quite obviously an attack on people like us who seek independence from the system. No worries. I started looking yesterday for the different bits I will need to build an induction chembuster, as described in my previous post. And when the rain comes it will be torrential. The only trouble is that we will then need a totally different watering system which involves catching & storing rainwater.

Let's just take each problem as it comes...


In other news

@thecogent is arriving here tomorrow (driving in his van from London) and we all are very excited to have him back. Luna especially!


Do please check out his last article Escape From Samsara which is a different flavour to his previous ones, but no less impactful.

I have been playing music to my plants three days a week.


We have our first ever fruit blossom (peach) from one of our 100 baby fruit trees, all of which were grown from seed.


We built a bunkbed for the children!


And Harry Potter was pleased :)


We did this to leave the area directly under the spiral vortex free for meditation and communication. Using my dowsing rods I have been able to confirm the votrex is not bad for us, but I still like the idea of keeping the bed away from the centre (marked with lines on the ceiling).


Both beds have now been installed with magnetised cables which I believe will improve the overall health of anyone sleeping on them.


The mattresses are pretty thick so they won't feel the magnets encased in bees wax at the south end of the cables.


Interestingly, I noticed the other day how the design of this building is different where the vortex is.


Look between these two windows and you will see how the stones have been placed in a different way to the rest. It surely cannot be coincidence that the spiral vortex (earth energy power centre of this building) sits directly behind those large stones placed at weird angles?


Even more interesting that above the two pieces jutting out of the wall (one of which appears to be a weather worn gargoyle) we have a collection of pyramids and spirals looking down towards the ground!


Funny how we don't notice these things until our knowledge expands sufficiently to encompass them.

My feeling is that whoever made this building invited the earth energy power centre to this specific spot with intention and I am the first person to recognise its presence in many years. Perhaps even centuries.

Did anyone catch the Venus/Jupiter alignment last week?


At dusk we had a pretty good view for the entire week which saw the two brightest stars in the sky at this time of day drifting closer and closer to each other. This shot is actually from the day after the closest alignment but still looks pretty cool.


Have been chatting with the dead at our local graveyard (using dowsing rods and yes/no questions) but am yet to figure out in what way I can be of assistance to them.


I have at least established they are very happy to communicate with me. And again, don't think anyone has given them this kind of attention for a long time.

Interesting to note too (thanks to @bigorna1) that cypresses enjoy eating humans! Specifically the calcium rich bones. Hence these very healthy looking trees. And I am left wondering if I am not in fact communicating with the trees as much as I am communicating with the energetic lines running from every grave?


Everything truly is connected. And we are ONE.

That's it for now.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


Sort: Β 

I totally adore the team drawing / coloring and needless to say the mobile home with the FREE ENERGY device on top !!!
and you transformed even an old bicycle chassis in a free energy device, w/o even peddling being needed.
you have done an amazing job on the garden preparing it for spring. I do hope you get more rain and that once the buster is up an running, you can sell rain water to neighboring countries ! we all seem to be short.
I hope the frost ease soon so you can go ahead and plant outside.
happy gardening !

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks amigo :)

I seriously cannot wait to get this rain going!

Big shopping trip scheduled for Thursday...

looking forward to seeing what you are up to. you inspire us all !
have a great week.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

The garden looks really good. I do hope you have access to water!

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 


You and me both. Though I do feel 100% confident about being able to re-harmonsise the environment here. And the overall effect will be regular rain...

Looking forward to writing the post to tell you all about it! Hey, perhaps I will even make a film for this one. Seems more important than previous subjects.

You had a great time with your garden. I like the idea that your children are also enjoying something while your busy with your garden.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Yeah, we don't have much choice but to bring them to the garden when we have things to do. No babysitters around here!

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

wow, SUCH an amazing garden that is. So brave picking it all up and moving it. what a job. Hopefully you get the benefits.

looking forward to further updates that is for sure.

happy gardening to you


Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks for the friendly message.

Will do my best to keep the updates coming...

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

excellent! will keep watch out.

happy gardening

What's Upppp dead people?! :) I slept in many graveyards on my Hammocking Adventures; no annoying lights left on all night, and no-one to disturb me, coz no-one's there (except for me and the dead people:)

Incredible overhaul of the entire garden down to the bare-earth and water channels... Excited to see how the "crazy" pyramids, magnetic-cables and spirals effect everything!

As you begin to design ways to catch rain, and distribute it... I had always pondered "gutters" as way to catch the "muddy water" that usually drains away thru the soil and capture it, then recycle this water back thru the watering process somehow. Did a few deep holes, line them with pond-lining-waterproof-type-stuff then put a safety lid on there for humans, but especially little creatures who may fall in - coz you don't want a drowned mouse on your conscience.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Hey bro. Am buzzing at the moment because I have @thecogent with me. So great to bask in the awesomeness of physical friends within reaching distance! Five years of silence & physical friend depravation can have this effect ;). We didn't chat with the dead but he did have a go last night with my dowsing rods to find the energetic lines in our house and seemed instantly convinced the movement of the rods was authentic.

Nice idea with the gutters and deep collection holes. Even better idea to start considering this now... like the rain is already here :)

Our land has a natural gradient, leading to the exit point I showed in this post, so it would indeed be possible to dig a big hole just prior to that exit point and catch it there. All I would need then is a solar powered pump to run that water back to the top of the land where it will begin the process again. With all of this said, I imagine that once the atmosphere is normalised, likely for the first time in decades, rain will be a regular occurrence and there won't be much watering needed.

Once I have all the bits needed to make my induction chembuster I will very likely start the camera rolling again. This subject feels like it needs a film. Better believability if there is video evidence of the construction & installation process and the week's weather forecast along with the unforecasted rain. Sabrina's parents need to fill up their pool (government says they are not permitted) so this will also make a great visual on how well the machine is doing. Can we fill up their pool and then have an awesome summer swimming in it? Oh yes we can! TBC...

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!