Dowsing for ley lines at home and on our land, but what does it mean?

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)


Am very grateful to @bigorna1 for mentioning the subject of dowsing a few times to me and also for gifting me the great idea of using empty BIC pens as the handles for this very basic device which is used to find earth's energetic grid lines and also underground water. I will get into what it means in a moment.

How to make dowsing rods


As you can see, all we have here is two pieces of copper wire (mine is 2.5mm in diameter) bent at right angles with the smaller side for the handles.


@bigorna1 actually recommended 3mm but this was the best we could do around here.

Dowsing our land

Excited to get started Sabrina & I tried it out first on our land. Here you can see the starting position with both pieces facing away from her body.


As she walked forward a few paces the copper suddenly started to turn inward indicating that she was now standing on a ley line.


From what I can tell we have multiple lines on this piece of land so I set about marking where they were.

Not long after this I learned that my magnetised cables (of which there are now four) also have an effect on the copper, turning it inward strongly when we cross them. This is a good sign, meaning that my cables are working well! But it also means that it is harder to accurately measure where the ley lines are, so I should really have done this job before adding the cables.

I plowed on regardless finding that if one walks directly up the magnetised cables the copper will still react where the ley lines cross them.

Here you can see me pointing to one of the ley lines, marked with bamboo.


Of all the lines I found this one to be the most interesting because after attaching string to the sticks and running it all the way to end I noticed how the hedge didn't look so good in this area.


See how it is green and lush further away, yet more yellow in the foreground where the line passes through?


I believe this is the effect of the ley line and it reminded me of a great lecture I watched some weeks ago in which Dr. Robert Gilbert shows us how these lines can effect the environment around them.

Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 18.46.05.png

Notice the "damage to growth" in the hedge with the line which also intersects the bed, a "focus of disease". Also amazing to note how the lightning is attracted to the point where the lines cross and how it creates an area on the road where accidents are common. The reason for this is that our focus can be scrambled temporarily as we drive across certain lines.

Have seen trees with enormous cancers around here but had no idea why this was happening until now.


Our ancestors knew very well how to use this energy to their advantage, creating their most important buildings or monuments on the intersection of many lines.

Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 18.45.21.png

Getting back to the garden I examined the plants growing on the line and saw that the lettuce featured in my last post (for looking greener than its neighbour) is sitting directly on it. In fact, it is at exactly this point where the ley line crosses my magnetised cable line, apparently offering something good to the lettuce.


While the coriander over here doesn't seem to like being on the ley line, looking very small.


Unlike the coriander over here away from the ley line which looks much better.


It seems therefore that this energetic line is not bad for all plants, just particular ones.

Intersecting points should generally be viewed with caution. @bigorna1 tells me that most trees don't enjoy growing on the cross sections, though he has noticed how elderberry, kiwi and a few others actually thrive there.

Dowsing at home

I mentioned that our ancestors built their most important buildings on the intersection of particular lines but I also believe they selected the location for their villages using this same principle.

With this in mind here is a drone shot of our village which was mostly built in the 1700s, long enough ago for this knowledge to have been relevant.


It was therefore no big surprise that we have loads of lines running through our house. Many of them likely converge under the 'church' which is directly next door to us.


I say 'church' because when it was built I doubt very much it had anything to do with religion. More likely it was a hub for health, healing & energy production, 'tuned' with those bricks you can see in the windows to act in the same way as the Irish Round Towers which also required tuning in this manner.

I resisted the temptation to put string everywhere around our home (this is coming soon!) and instead isolated the areas which had no effect, using them to check various items.

First I tested a metal fruit bowl with a Lakovsky coil.


When the dowsing rods are placed over the table like this they face out away from my body.


Yet when they sit over the bowl, they move inward like this.


If I remove the coil from the bowl it still has an effect but less strong.

After trying this with pretty much every item I could think of (I'm not joking) I have concluded that all physical shapes have an energy. Even a smelly sock, a slipper, a stone, a child, a cat, a snail and a blank piece of paper flat on the table.

Which isn't at all what I expected!

It seems to me that when objects contain some symmetry, divine ratios or spiritual significance the energy is stronger, while when the shape has no symmetry, the energy is less. This was evident with a Tibetan flag I have which produced a strong energy while laying flat on the floor with its writing and patterns exposed, in contrast to being placed in a messy bundle which reduced the effect on the copper rods.

Interesting to note it also works if you walk under objects. Like these chakra flags for example which people have to pass under to get into our house. The dowsing rods turn inward strongly as I pass under them.


Yet when the flags are removed the dowsing rods remain unaffected as I pass through the same area.

You may think that smaller objects have no effect but try moving closer and you will see they do. After a while you will get a sense for which items are moving the copper more strongly than others.

Hartmann & Curry lines

I also noticed how some of the ley lines in our house were bigger than others, almost like I was dealing with two different types of line, which fits with something @bigorna1 told me just this morning:

the Hartmann lines create a grid (both east-west and north-south) about 2m apart. they are 21cm thick.
the Curry lines run in diagonal. they are 40cm thick and are considered more potent and more harmful.

Feel as if there is a huge amount of learning yet to be done here and if anyone knows of decent films or articles in english on this subject I would love to hear about them.

From what I can tell it is advisable to avoid sleeping on the lines altogether. Our oldest houses were designed to account for them, making sure the lines ran along corridors or transitory areas where people didn't spend much time. It is also important to make sure you don't have electrical appliances or your wifi router on the lines as this will amplify their negative effect. With this in mind I strongly suggest you all dowse your homes immediately. Some basic changes to the position of your beds or sofas may just eliminate that persistent health problem you have been unable to remedy for many years.

@bigorna1 also went on to answer a few of my questions which I will share with you now:

you do pick up buried cables and water pipes, yes.
underground water is not running in straight lines.

Great stuff.

insects actually benefit from these places (bees love their hive right over line crossings, ants build hills along lines etc.)
your cats sense these energies and can be a canary in the mine. where a cat likes lying, is safe for people too. a dog will not sleep in a dog house that is over a line or crossing.

And so, it seems to me that this game is closely tied with observation. See what the animals, insects and plants are saying before drawing any conclusions.

For now I think that's all I have for you but something tells me this is not the only time I will be posting on this subject, which closely ties in with electroculture.

Love & Light everyone 🌱



Keep up the good work Sam and thanks for sharing your findings.

 2 years ago  

No worries. Have actually discovered a whole bunch more since posting this yesterday! I know this is going to sound weird but I was able to have a conversation with one of the lines. Was so excited I called @sebcam immediately to share the news ;). Will try again today and see if the answers (yes or no) are consistent with yesterday's answers.

That would be good to know your findings. The Leylines are very special, I do wonder about their connection also to tidal nodes. The more you learn about this place, the more fascinating it becomes.

Ley lines are really fascinating. I used to spend a lot of time on google earth finding ley lines.

 2 years ago  

They really are fascinating hey. How does one find them on google earth?

Would love to see a ley line map of my area!

How does one find them on google earth?

I used to draw lines between different locations and discover all sorts of interesting sites that lined up along the way.

 2 years ago  

I see!

Was able to find this one moments ago:

But struggling currently to upload any of the data as my internet appears very slow this morning...

Will try again later and let you know if it is any good.

Spoooooky.... 👻 "Yet when the flags are removed the dowsing rods remain unaffected as I pass through the same area."


 2 years ago  

Flags have energy, particularly these ones, placed there very intentionally to 'cleanse' those who dare to step inside our home ;)

Needless to say, the energy of our hallway is different when they are removed. Confirmed with the rods.

You think this one is spooky, you should check my latest!

"Dowsing for proof we never die"

In this video at some point this guy is speaking about the importance of where to place a paramagnetic tower. i dont really understand what exactly he is saying but i think he is speaking about these lines..but he is also speaking about clockwise and anticlockwise energy fields..if you can understand more please tell us!

  • I have also sent you a couple things i wanted to ask you in your instagram!

he seems to know lots of stuff but somehow it does not seem right.Both @samstonehill have watched it and we are a bit confused by this video.

@samstonehill, I am actually surprised that they built the church´s altar over this major line crossing, that from what I understand would have a major energy. I suppose, like we have seen, that while most trees suffer from such location, it is beneficial for other beings (Bees..) or maybe have positive effects we are not aware of.

 2 years ago  

What's interesting about the church design is that the congregation (if indeed they had them back when it was built) were seated in the area where no lines cross. Whatever device they put in the alter area would have harnessed or perhaps tuned the energy to be of a beneficial nature. For sure there is so much we are yet to (re)discover about all this!

so interesting.
I admit that these intersections of lines coming from many directions and meeting in a central point is new to me.
I was only aware of the Hartmann grid (parallel lines equally spaced crossed by 90 degree parallel lines equally crossed) and the curry lines that are somehow diagonal to the later.

You might find this interesting.
If you understand Scoish ; )

 2 years ago (edited) 

Like @bigorna1 says, despite his convincing presentation there is something which doesn't add up about this guy. I actually did some further research on him and can confirm that he has zero prior history online, his company was established in 2022 and on his very basic website he offers no photographic evidence from his apparent 30 years of work in this field. Yannick Van Doorne (France's leading expert) confirmed there are many people like this popping now, particularly in Germany, USA & Australia, interested only in making money.

My understanding is that when you have two towers the placement becomes more important because then we must align them east/west for best effect. As shown here at the bottom of Yannick's notes (nord=north sud=south)


As you can see the resulting field of influence is an egg shape.

If you just have one tower I'm pretty sure you can put it anywhere.

For the instagram thing were you talking to me? Haven't used instagram for years.

thanks for the info! yes i texted you on your instagram account! but you can see my question also at your paramagnetic tower post! im in the way of constructing my own towers and need some detailed info about dimensions (is the tower full or just a shell ?)

Wow, that's really interesting and quite ingenious to learn. I really didn't know about it, a topic I will have to delve deeper into later on. Quite surprised, thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. What a success ! 👏👏

 2 years ago  

No worries at all. Like I said above to someone, the key now is to get out there and start playing! Like a child with a new toy ;)

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 2 years ago  

Many thanks :)

Excellent write up. Definitely raises my curiosity and peaks my interest in yet another new fascinating subject. So many questions spring into mind!

Do we really know what we are dealing with in these ley lines? Some are ancient locations, and some adapt and change directions? They have an energy that reacts with phenomena in our world, but what is this energy made of? What is it? Is water drawn to it, or is it drawn to water sources? Is there a spirit intelligence integrated within, possibly why religions choose it as a location for prayer, ceremonies, meditation, and communion to detect signs?

I think I will start by visiting my local library and find out if there is anything published to learn some basic answers to these mysteries.

 2 years ago  

Pretty amazing stuff right. I enjoyed your list of questions there! Local library must surely be the BEST place to dig up some great forgotten info.

Having followed Yannick for some time now I can see he spends a lot of time in libraries around France, specifically to dig up the old info on electroculture, converting his knowledge into modern products.

Enjoy your explorations. And please do tag me in to your findings!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @gardenhive ) sharing the post on LeoThreads.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for sharing this on Leo @gardenhive :)

I don't really understand how it all works however!

You amazingly made let lines that is new to me. I should thank you for sharing this because I learned something new today about the tools and materials used in the garden.

 2 years ago  

Am pleased you found this useful. But don't forget, having the knowledge is one thing. Doing it is another. Have fun!

gardening is an activity that I like

 2 years ago  

Don't really see how this relates, but sure. I like gardening too!