Field cultivation of mustard (from which pure mustard oil is made.)

in HiveGarden2 months ago (edited)

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Hi friend's,
I am @rasel72. From #Bangladesh.

How are you all? Hope you all are well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. I appeared again with you with another new post of mine. Today I will share with you some words and videos about our field crops Hope you all like it. Let's start-

Bangladesh is a major agricultural country. There are hundreds of green crops in the fields of this country. The farmer by his tireless labor grows the crops in the field from which he earns his livelihood. It's winter, it's called vegetable season. Vegetables are the most abundant during winter. Various kinds of vegetables, flowers and fruits are produced in the field. Various types of crops are also cultivated in our field land. Now, mustard is being cultivated in the land. From which mustard oil is made. Mustard has been cultivated in many places. Within a few days the plants have grown. Every tree has started to bloom. Then mustard fruit will be made from this flower. When it is ripe, it is picked from the field, broken, and oil is made from it The whole land is now full of yellow mustard flowers. Looks amazing. What a beautiful creation of nature.



And after a few days the mustard fruits will become ripe Then they are taken from the field and brought home Mustard flowers look the most beautiful as they are yellow in color. Many of you may be cultivating mustard in your gardens. Hope you all like my video today. Everyone will be fine and healthy. See you again with my new post.
Thank you everyone for visiting my post.

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