Things are really taking off in the garden with the milder weather, longer days and Spring rains. The yard has been awash with blossoms with the plum tree in full bloom followed by the Saskatoon bushes then the apples and chokecherries burst open and now I see the lilacs, honey suckle and mountain ash blooms are starting to open. Along with the blooms has been many pollinators - oh I so love Spring!
I added a few pots with flowers for the hummingbirds as they seem to appear before there are that many blooms out and I love to have the added color on my deck.
Trumpet Flowers for the Hummingbirds Plus My Favorites - Carnations
Other pots I have on the deck are my pots of herbs right by the front door for easy pickings. I have rosemary, lemon thyme, sage, oregano and a couple of mints - peppermint and chocolate mint. I put in a new bed of spearmint with plants I got from a friend last fall and they are growing well.
Pots of Herbs with Nasturtiums and Marigolds to Add Color
In my greens garden there were some lettuce that had self seeded along with violas and chives.
Self Seeded Lettuce by Viola and Chives
Inside the hoop house in my covered garden, I have peppers just starting to bloom and tomatoes blooming with a few starting to set fruit.
First Blooms on the Pepper Plants
First Tomatoes Starting to Form
Also in the covered garden I have some cucumber plants that I just put out and the celery which is almost big enough to start using. I still have my celery plants from last year that I bought indoors and have been using all winter long.
Celery Plants Coming Along Nicely
In the new garden I first planted up last year I put in a lot of brassicas for they did so well there last year. I have cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli plus I seeded some kohlrabi. They are under row cover so the cabbage butterflies can't get at them.
I had a surprise crop of onions come up. They had got overgrown with clover plants and most of the tops had rotted off so I didn't think there would be much there to harvest. They survived the winter and got an early jump on the growing season. Now I just have to make sure I get them weeded and mulched so I can get a harvest off them this year. I planted lots of other onions too from bulbs and they are up now. The trick is to keep them weeded for they don't like competition which will be the next thing I'll be doing in the garden since I got all my planting done. Weeding and mulching so the weeds don't all come back again!
Last Years Onions That Weren't Harvested - Growing Well This Year
My garlic all seemed to have survived the winter and they have got a lot of growth on them.
Garlic Patch
My peas finally came up after we had a good rainfall.
Beginnings of My Pea Patch
I kept my basil indoors for they don't like any cool or to have it too damp. I'm waiting for the summer heat before I put them out.
We had some huge cannabis plants that we had to stick outdoors for they grew to tall - over 6 feet! They are budding out nicely and with the rains we have been getting we were concerned they may get moldy ( we have lost a few crops to mold) so we pulled them indoors for the evening (if rain expected) or if it starts to rain during the day. They're getting quite smelly now too and it would be a shame to lose them to mold.
Indoor Garden with Aloe Vera, Basil a Tomato and Cannabis Plants
Well that's a wrap for June!
Hive Community Garden Journal Challenge Details hereThis is my entry to @riverflows 's
All photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS

Wow things are coming along so beautifully. You put in so much work for amazing reward and always inspire me. Sadly the wrap up has already been done... Definitely get it in by say 9th of the month xx
Great to see all the wonderful abundance that you have created @porters, I hope you are well, sending you love from the very hot South of Spain xxxx
Very happy to see the condition of the garden like that and I remember my late grandfather, I also had a garden like that and I visited them when I was little.
Funny how you mention flowers long gone by here, but your tomatoes and peppers are far ahead of mine!
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @porters, we need your help!