We've had a lot of rain and moderate temperatures so it's been wonderful for the cool weather plants and great for me not having to water the garden, mother nature took care of that. I did keep the basil growing indoors in the sun room for they don't like the cool and damp. The basil and cilantro from the garden is giving me lots of pesto!
The new garden I put in in front of my place where is more light is doing well - lots of growth! Let's have a look...
Mixture of Different Beans Mulched to Stop Weeds and Hold in Moisture
Garlic Growing Well
Onions Ready to Nip Off Flower Buds and Bend Stalks for Bigger Bulbs
I keep my brassica plants under row covers to keep the bugs off them. It also keeps them from drying out in the wind.
Cabbages Starting to Form Heads
Brocolli Also Starting to Form Heads
I do have some warm weather plants in this front garden, cucumbers and zucchinis. The zucchinis are doing pretty good but the cucumbers aren't doing to much. I think I have to move them out to another part of the garden that gets more light for next year.
Zucchini Starting to Take Hold and Growing Well
I put in a new strawberry bed last fall and they are coming along well - starting to produce.
Strawberries Starting to Form in New Strawberry Bed
In my middle garden I put in some potatoes and got them all mulched, put in different onions which are all weeded for they do not like competition, peas - trellised and ready to really grow plus a new bed of spearmint that I got from a friend and put in last fall.
Middle Garden with Potatoes, Onions, Peas and Mint Bed
Inside my covered garden, the hoop house, I have my warm weather plants - the peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers plus I put my celery in there for I can extend the season on them and it is close to the house for easy harvest. They could use a bit more heat but they are starting to set fruit.
Peppers Starting to Set Fruit Cucumbers Along Back Wall
Overview of Hoop House With Tomatoes Strung Up in a Way to Make For Easy Pollination
Celery Plants Big Enough To Harvest Some
Just outside the hoop house I grew some greens and there is lots of columbines blooming there too plus the sweet cicely has gone to seed giving me my licorice candy (the green seeds taste just like black licorice candy!)
Columbines in Bloom and Sweet Cicely Gone to Seed
There is some haskap bushes in that garden too and they gave me a nice harvest of berries
Haskap Bush With Berries Ripe for the Picking
By the deck, beautifying the place, I have my flower pots and I grow some herbs in containers.
Duck Nestled In Among the Pansies
Trumpet Flowered Petunias for the Hummingbirds and Fragrant Carnations for Me
Herb Garden with Rosemary Lemon Thyme Sage Peppermint Lemon Verbena and Nasturtiums
JJ had his own little patch in the garden full of cat mint - here he is after having a chew on it.
JJ in His Catmint Patch
The final picture is of JJ in his new favorite lookout spot on the table, now that we put the umbrella up to shade him. There is still some lilacs in bloom behind him. We had a magnificent display of lilacs all around the yard and their fragrance filled the air - I love that smell!
JJ Lounging Under the Umbrella on the Patio Table
That's a wrap for early July!
This is my entry to the Hive Community Garden Journal Challengehere hosted by @riverflows Details
All photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS

wow what a wonderful garden, thanks for sharing it. You have such a wide array of things growing.
i LOVE pesto and can't wait to get the basil back working in our garden this year. (it died in the unseasonably cold weather we have had)
Please keep on sharing your garden.
Mm, what a dreamy garden, @porters. Is that duck nesting in the flower pot? I honestly couldn't tell if it was a real duck or a figurine!
That's great that you've created a shady place for the kitty. They love to be outside, enjoying the outdoors, if they can find a comfortable place to lounge.
Do you eat your nasturtiums? They are nice on a salad!
Hi Jayna - thanks for visiting my garden! The duck is an old decoy that was too worn to be used but I love it in my flower pot. JJ loves being outside for the summer especially since we have such long winters when he doesn't want to go out at all.
Yes I do eat the nasturtiums - I especially like munching on the green seeds.
The plants look very good and varied,... In my place, it is called the cayenne pepper plant. Plus beautiful flowers.. Very stylish... I hope your plants are successfully harvested...
Great to see you are making the most of the warm weather and things are growing beautifully. I notice you guys mulch heaps over there - do you ever get bugs in the mulch? What kind of mulch is it? So many questions - like what is the foil stuff behind the peppers, is that for warmth? And there's some kind of fabric near the broccoli?
I notice you're still flying the Abundance Tribe banner - did you know it is no more as Kenny has left?
Yep got to make the most of our short growing season! That is straw that I use as mulch. A farmer who lives down the road drops off those big round bales at my place which is usually good for a couple of seasons. I haven't had problems with bugs with that mulch for they all get killed off in the winter although my daughter-in-law mulched her garden and got a real bad slug problem - she is a little further South though. The foil is to reflect the light for living in the forest that is one of my biggest challenges is getting enough light. The fabric is by the broccoli is row cover which protects against the bugs (especially effective against the cabbage butterfly) It also gives some frost protection so I can plant my brassicca seedlings out earlier. The cabbage had the row cover over it too, I had just pulled it back to show the cabbages. I use the row cover on all my brassiccas.
Thanks for letting me know Kenny is no longer around, I didn't know that. I haven't been spending too much time on HIVE with being the caregiver for my husband, keeping up with my gardening and I'm also developing a new program for families - getting kids off their devices and into the natural world, opening the world of gardening to them. I do miss the Natural Medicine community and wonder about different folks from there often. I hope you are doing well!
That's really useful - I think I might get some of that fabric as I see it at the hardware. I have an issue with blackbirds so I've been making chicken wire tunnels and I could just drape the fabric over those perhaps.
I'm sorry to hear your hubs isn't well, that must be tough. xx I hope the gardening program is doing well.
Yes, Kenny left as he had a big problem with downvotes and a spate of flag wars that were going on that went against his principles. Sad, but it is what it is. AT was fantastic whilst it lasted. Great days!
Love the mulch, I think I am going to imitate it in my garden. Good evening!
The plants have a very healthy appearance and a wide range of. In this part of the world, we refer to it as the cayenne pepper plant. In addition to the stunning flowers. Very fashionable. I really hope you are able to properly harvest your plants.
Lilacs in July! Love seeing how your garden is doing these days.
Those were the later blooming lilacs. I do have some of the earlier blooming ones but everything was late blooming this year with the late Spring.
All that mulch, sexy garden congrats!
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