Garden in autumn

It's been two weeks since we came back home from HiveFest, and I haven't even made a post about it yet as I spent those two weeks in bed. I can't even remember when (if ever) I was so sick for the last time. I've been thinking about sharing my impressions from HiveFest every day, but I couldn't make myself get out of the bed and actually do it.

Yesterday was the first time in those two weeks that I left home. We went to the garden as I couldn't abandon it for any longer and I was hoping that the fresh air would do me good. Well, it didn't, but I still managed to harvest some vegetables before going to bed again. Today, I decided to push myself and make a post. Well, my HiveFest post will have to wait, but I find it so easy to write about my garden that I will give it a go.

The first thing I noticed were these beautiful long red chillies. They have such a radiant colour that I could see them from afar. My husband was so happy as he was worried that they wouldn't have a chance to ripen because it's getting cold. Well, I harvested these 7, but there are more than 200 of them that are still green, so fingers crossed that they will turn red in time. I guess you wonder how I came with the number 200, right? I counted them a couple of weeks ago and when I reached 200 I lost my patience, and stopped counting. So much work!


These are surprise chillies as my husband collected seeds from chillies that he liked over the year, and I just planted them. Some of them should be sweeter, but most of them should be really hot.


When we left to Croatia I saw a baby patty pan. I thought it might get too old by the time we come back, but almost a month later it still has a good size and doesn't look old. They are delicious when they are old too, but it's difficult to peel them as their skin becomes thick and hard.

As you can see it was growing on the ground...


Turn it around and it looks perfect...


Before we left I planted endive lettuce which is perfect in winter. It grows up to -5 degrees and stays fresh even under snow. It's still small, but in a few weeks we will be able to harvest. It's my favourite kind of lettuce as it's crunchy and not too bitter. And the biggest advantage of planting it is that slugs don't like to eat it.


And now I present you my amazing broccoli harvest! 😊

This is all we got from 9 plants, and I have no idea what happened. They simply grew without creating any flowering heads. Economically, this was not the best investment, and time wise it wasn't good either, so I decided that this was the last time we planted broccoli, and next year we will replace it with kale or other plants from the brassica family.


Here I wondered what I will do with it...


Tomatoes are still growing strong, and I must admit that I don't know what to do with them anymore. I preserved as much as I could, and we keep eating them everyday too. I even shared many tomatoes with our neighbours. I'm so grateful for such bountiful harvest, but I'm already short of ideas...


Yesterday, we also took out our sweet potatoes. We got 4 plants from our friend, so why not plant them? I haven't planted sweet potatoes before, but after a short research I was ready to give it a go. I would have let them grow for a few more weeks, but the weather is getting worse, so we couldn't wait any longer. They look nothing like what you can buy at the store, but I'm so happy with them.

We didn't know which colours we would get and it turned out that we have 2 different ones. This one is more purple/pink.


And this one is more red/orange...


I had no idea how they would grow, and I was surprised to see that they were all entangled in one place. It took me some time to separate them, and I loved the result. This is the only straight one.


Most of them look like this...


I was expecting a disaster when I opened the greenhouse as we didn't water the plants for 2 weeks, but it turns out that our neighbours understood that something was wrong when they didn't see us for such a long time and watered our plants. They are flourishing!

There are still many peppers, and plenty of flowers. It's quite warm in the greenhouse, so we will let them grow and see if some flowers will still turn into peppers.


The red peppers will be turned into muhammara. I can't wait to finally feel better and start cooking.


I harvested all peppers before going to Croatia, and there are so many that grew in less than 1 month.


We have plenty of these baby eggplants that we took yesterday. They are much less bitter when they are young.


A few months ago, one of our neighbours gave me some leek seedlings, or so I thought. She kept saying that it's 'Lauch' which means leek in German. In the beginning they looked like leek seedlings, but very soon they started to look like onions. I asked her if she was sure that those are leeks, and she told me she meant to say Lauchzwiebeln which are scallions. Quite a difference, right? Obviously, I planted them deep like I would plant leeks, and now I have these beautiful scallions instead 😊


It wasn't easy to take them out because they were so deep, but look how pretty they are.


We are lucky to have a well in the garden, so I was able to clean them and now they look perfect. I will make carrot/kohlrabi/coconut soup today, and I will use them instead of onions. Autumn weather calls for soups!


For some to me unknown reason our rosemary decided to flower again this year. It is so strange as they normally flower in spring, but they might be confused with the weather. I prefer the flowers to the sprigs as they are not so strong in flavour.


I love that our garden is planted in a way that we get some flowers almost all year around.


Butterflies in the garden are beautiful, but their caterpillars are not as they will eat everything what comes in their way. However, I enjoyed watching this one yesterday as our growing season is almost complete, so at the moment there is not much to eat for the caterpillars 😊


Even though the fresh air didn't do me much good, I still enjoyed being outside, and I hope that I will be healthy in a few days, so that I can enjoy the garden again.

See you next time...


First of all, I’m sorry that you got sick and had to stay in bed for so long. I hope you recover fully soon!

Also, I’m amazed by your wonderful garden 😍
It’s so beautiful and well-maintained, everything looks so appetizing!
It’s such a meticulous job that requires a lot of time, effort, and love, so you’ve done an amazing job!
It’s a pity that the broccoli didn’t work out, but there are so many tomatoes, and I absolutely love them.
I can already imagine how delicious the soup will be 🥰

Thank you, Natalia! 😘 I'm finally going to see my GP tomorrow, so I hope it will get better soon.

We didn't spend as much time as we wanted in the garden this year, but it was still enough for the harvest 😊 It's already the end of the season, so we had much more other veggies there before too 😊

The soup was delicious. My husband says it tastes like a curry soup which is interesting as I didn't use any curry in it 😂

Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
I wish to be healthy as soon as possible ❤️

I can imagine what the harvest would be like if you spent even more time in the garden😄

Haha 😆 your husband has very interesting taste buds 😂

Your garden is so lovely!!

And I am so sorry you were sick in bed for so long. It is such a shame to get sick after vacation. But glad to see you are out, in the sun. ❤️

First of all, your chillies and other peppers look gorgeous! I love looking at their glossy colors! I visited a farmer's market this weekend and couldn't resist the look of pepper, so I had to try a new recipe for adjika. Just pepper and chili, no tomatoes. BTW, I could help you with the harvest of tomatoes but I'm too far. 😁😁😁

I didn't know there is a lettuce that grows under 0 C! This is cool!

And your neighbors are so sweet! A good neighbor is like a treasure.

Sending you much of virtual !LUV and !HUG. Take good care of yourself 🤗

It started as a flu, so I wasn't feeling too bad in the beginning, but soon it started to get worse and worse, and I have no idea what it could be. Even my teeth hurt at that time 😂

I love peppers too, and will soon harvest all of them. I might make some ajvar. Going to check adjika as I have never heard of it.
I would love to share those tomatoes with you 😍

Yes, and even covered with snow...

Thank you, my dear. Hugh back at ya! 🤗 Take care too and greetings to Nick 😉

Today Nick and I both have a day off (unexpected coinsidence), so we went out to get some !BEER and celebrate Defender's Day.

Say hi from us to Stefan!

!LUV 🤗

I was expecting a disaster when I opened the greenhouse as we didn't water the plants for 2 weeks, but it turns out that our neighbours understood that something was wrong when they didn't see us for such a long time and watered our plants. They are flourishing!

Wow!... It is to have good neighbours!... I loved reading that!...


Lovely photos of your vegetables!.... I loved looking at this radish that resembles a creature caressing the head of another!... hehehehe :))

I hope your health continues to improve and you will soon be 100% well!.... Thanks for sharing!

!discovery 40

That is a sweet potato 😉 But I agree with the resemblance. I didn't mention it in the post as it sounded creepy 😂

Thanks a lot! It still need a couple of days, but I hope that soon I will be as good as new 😉

😂😂😂 Yes... Sounds a little creepy!...

Glad you're still healing!

Já tušil, že se něco děje, když jsem od tebe pořád žádný HiveFest report neviděl. To mě mrzí, snad už je ti líp. Úrodu máte parádní, snad teda až na tu velmi dietní brokolici :)

@tipu curate 8

 6 days ago  

That's very strange about the broccoli! I wouldn't plant it again either. Maybe try the romesco type? I don't care for broccoli myself, but I got a lot of it out of just one single plant.

A bountiful harvest otherwise. Nice.


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I have no idea, but it's quite frustration. That's a good idea. I do actually prefer Romanesco, but we have never planted it before, so I opted for what I thought was the easier option. Well, lesson learnt.

Thanks a lot! 😊

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Get well soon, I was thinking about you today. I guess I was expecting to know where the Hivefest post is. Atleast today you managed to get out in the garden for some time. Beautiful Harvest...

Thank you, my dear 😊 I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow, so hopefully I will learn what to do to feel better asap.

BTW, we'll be spending a week in the Netherland between Christmas and NYE, so we could meet up 😊 Think about a place that you would like to see...

I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow

That's nice, I wish you a quick recovery...

we'll be spending a week in the Netherland between Christmas and NYE, so we could meet up 😊 Think about a place that you would like to see...

Wow, Can't wait to meet you guys again, I will look into the places and will discuss them with you...

You certainly have a great garden, and we hope that you will get better soon.