That's a lovely garden! You know, from all the things I saw while in the UK, gardening culture has got to be the coolest; the way you guys teach kids about cultivating and so on. I'm gonna check your content more often to learn all those gardening terms I don't know in English \o\
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We don't teach young folks about cultivation enough! Its certainly not in our state curriculum as it should be everywhere in the world. But there are more and more grass roots initiatives to educate people about food and health.! We have lost all our cultural understanding of food and agriculture. It is vital going into future for the long term sustainability of our planet that we help people to reconnect with the land. This is my mission! Haha. Anyway, sorry about the rant 😂 I commend you for all the great work youre doing on your ranch and hope that you get plenty of younguns coming to enjoy your bike trails! Such a great way to engage young people with the outdoors!
We should rant more often \o
it's nerve-racking to see such fundamental knowledges fade amongst younger generations
That's because you haven't seen brazilian kids. Are you guys allowed to homeschool? We can't. Maybe my impression about the british kids learning gardening stayed in my mind because I spent more time with families that homeshool and encourage such practices.
Another thing I loved in the UK, that we also don't have in Brazil, were the rental gardens (I guess this is how it's called). So, I'm here in the ranch thinking: would it be possible to implement it here, so people from the city can come and cultivate their own little garden.
Great! Haha, I love a good rant 🙃 fair enough, you're right I don't know what is like in Brasil. We do have quote a few alternatives to our state education so I guess there is more opportunity for kids to learn about horticulture. To be fair there are more and more schools that are setting up outdoor classrooms and growing spaces which is amazing. So things are getting much better here.
We call the rented gardens 'allotments'. They are absolutely invaluable for many people living in cities that don't have access to land. It would be an amazing initiative to set up where you are in Brasil. I know there are some urban community farm projects popping up around Brasil. I heard a guy talking about his project I think it was in Brasilia. Was interesting listening to him talk about the challenges of engagement because it was such a new concept to the people there. But it sounded like they were being very successful. It is a great time to be apart of the great paradigm shift in how we think about rebuilding our communities and culture - back to growing our own food and honouring the land. If you can facilitate others to have access to land as well then this is an amazing thing to do! 🙏❣️
That's amazing. I wish our education ministery would liberate the curriculum so schools can implemente such initiatives here; our public education, and even private, at a certain degree, is way too inflexible.
Gonna check the brazilian projects. It's indeed a great idea. People could pay yearly to have a small lot in our ranch, and if they don't show up to they lose the lot to someone who wants to work.