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RE: Oh, The Horror!!!

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Every winter we get soursobs galore. They are actually rather pretty in both the green ground cover and the cute yellow flowers, but they take over everywhere and are tough to get rid of. They are edible, however, so the chickens feast on them. Can you eat periwinkle at all?

 3 years ago  

It's toxic to humans and pets alike. So pretty! I have one patch that is going to be spectacular sometime today or tomorrow.

I had to look up soursobs. You must be in Australia. I wish I still had chickens. I'm tempted to get a few, now that I have a mini Australian Shepherd. Give her something to do in my too small yard.

 3 years ago  

Yes, Australia, although I think the plant hails from southern Africa. Sounds like you'd have to remove all the periwinkle of you got chickens then!