I had a hydrangea almost exactly like that one last year! It looked very bonny until the flower heads started dying and going a horrible brown colour. The whole thing started to look very sad and slightly fetid. Then when I deadheaded the flowers that were minging no more came. It didn't like winter much and died right back only to return a month ago and start bristling with new shoots. I am an unforgiving sort and fig it up and three it on the compost. I now have a lovely Hebe sitting there..
So, I hoped your hydrangea has better luck than mine!
LOL! That was a tale of hydrangea woe! It made it through the winter only to become compost as its survival stoked your rage, All smart plants must know not to cross the Boom!
I hope mine shivered a bit as I read your comment out loud, you know cause reasons....😆