Damn that's a whole ass awesome garden!! You got the essentials... even rambutan??? Healthy looking chili. What did you do to keep the bugs away from that plant? My sweet pepper already bloomed but saw a few mealybugs that I should get rid of!
This garden seems a LOT of work but so worth it. Also Thai basil are soooo good. I will try to find seeds so I can plant them here and make my favorite Pad kra pao. So aloiiiii!
Its very good to see your name crop up again :-)
The bugs completely ate the leaves but they soon grew back. I actually spray most of the garden every couple of months with some unenvironmentally friendly evil death bug killer spray but not the stuff we eat.
The land is just under 2 acres and was the wifes grandads that got passed down and shared out over the years. We finished building the house and moved down here and despite dreams of a beautiful garden, most of it is just uncultivated, virgin land with assorted trees. Its a nightmare simply trying to stop it all completely overgrowing so i just try and tidy a bit at a time and then try to keep it tidy! The rambutan and jackfruit trees have been there years, I'd guess and are looking a bit old and decrepit. The other problem of course is the heat. The window for gardening is about 6am till 9am and 4pm till 7pm and I'm rubbish at getting up early! Motivation ebbs and flows lol
Pad kra pao is so easy to make which is exactly why Im trying to grow some!
Both of you take care and i hope your journey into reasearching ADHD and ASDs is still helping younfind answers :-)
I actually wrote this reply last and didnt hit send and lo and behold, you made a post today!