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RE: The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Spring Is Sprouting Edition

in HiveGarden3 years ago (edited)

Holly hocks! There you got me! I love those flowers.

As you can see in a blog I wrote a while back


But, all the other sprouts are just as amazing! Love to see how that grows up into healthy plants, and the harvest you hopefully get from that. I hope it will be awesome. Nothing can beat the fresh veggies and flowers.

And of course, I love the kitties too. They look awesome!


AAAAHHH! Those hollyhocks are my favorite color! And have I told you I absolutely adore your photography? I love what you do with light!

And thank you so, so much for sharing your beautiful and very informative post, I am so going to take an anti-inflammatory, hollyhock petal infused soak this summer! And I have lots of Mullein growing round here too, love the congestion relief infusion idea, awesome!

The kitties said hi, well, Yaga trilled, I think that means hi lol!