The powers that be have changed the zone I garden in from 4a to 6a. But I had decided I wasn’t going to change when I’d been planting things just yet. Having said that, I did move all the plants out when it looked like the temps as far ahead as I could see would be in the 50’s at night.
And then, after I’d planted half of the basil, just because it was convenient, this is what we had on Friday morning, 43F. Basil in particular HATES anything below 50F but it was too late to do anything. I had closed the cold frame and the temp before the sun hit it was low 50’s. So everything in there was probably okay.
We’ll see as the summer progresses which batch of basil is apt to succumb to the mildew.
As we were getting ready to plant the tomatoes, I noticed this bee on the fencing, the east side in the sun. I tried to get photos but they were blurry. My general helper who just graduated a photography course, took my poor old camera to try. She even said, boy, this is hard to focus with! But she managed to get this one.
So we got the first row of tomatoes planted and the horehound between the rows. She had done some of the peppers and wanted to do the second row of tomatoes. But she hit this root about 6” down.
In 2018 and 2019 I spent weeks removing the rotten chicken wire, digging down where it was buried. In the process I removed lots of tree roots from the trees we’d taken down. I thought I’d gotten all of them.
But apparently I’d missed one big one somehow. It took us quite a while to get it out. But in the end all the tomatoes went into the ground.
The only things not planted were the paprikas. My seed I saved last year is apparently no good, as only 1 paprika has come up. I planted the remaining peppers and we got it all mulched.
Then I planted and mulched the second row of basil while my general helper started cleaning up that last 20’ section. Once the basil was in the second section was finished! The garden is ⅔ planted!
When I finished the basil, I helped her rake the rest of the area. We quit early because the allergies are really getting to me this year, as they are many other people. And because she had to go do a front brake job on her car.
I got a shower and sat for a while then got some lunch and went to bed. I was up at 3PM but didn’t feel much better. So I spent the rest of the day under blankets watching movies with a cat on top of me.
On Saturday I’m not thinking I will feel much better, so my helper is going to do things she needs to get done. I have to get the stuff for a dump run ready and that ought to do me in.
It’s supposed to be a nice warm day, but I really must rest and try to get past this allergy thing. My general helper will be back on Sunday through Tuesday to try to get as many gardens finished before she leaves for a 2 week vacation in June.
its looking great!
we just pulled out and planted our winter garden over last two days... such a big job.
i love your space. Happy gardening. and feel better soon
#hive #posh
Lots of hard work done in one day! Hope the weather continues to be as normal as it should be. Here many villages in the north suffer from floodings.
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You are really moving forward with the planting and it's quite impressive.
Gardening is always an enjoyable and a profitable thing to do. And it's clear it's a hobby you enjoy. I do hope you have a good harvest when the time comes so you get a good reward for you efforts. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
I can see how you are working tirelessly in your garden and I wish you a successful production
I’m glad about the update on your farmland. Maybe you should try to plant the Paprika again to see if it will grow or what do you feel?
I have, twice. Waiting to see if anything happens...
Interesting that they changed your zone so much higher. That can really mess up things if the temps fluctuate too much. I hope your basil recovers after being hit with that cold night. Geeze, this weather pattern has been hard to work with this year. Feel better.
It’s obvious that you have spent a lot of money on your farm. I pray that it yields good result
Keep it up!