Wednesday was nearly a total washout, I wasn’t very functional. I managed to get the fairy and bird bath in the house and a load of dishes done and that was it.
I should have been out in the Small garden because this was happening. These are white oak acorns and they sprout as soon as they hit the ground. The left one has a root 5” already.
Most of the leaves were still on the oak but this is what I faced on Thursday morning. I got out there at 9AM and started on the north end, closest to the oak tree as it was the worst.
My helper friend arrived at 11:30AM and I had filled 6 of the 7 sleds. He dumped them and I proceeded to fill them again. It was a really nice day, in the 60’s and partly sunny.
He started washing the cold frame covers. We’d put them away on Friday. He then started hauling over the mulch hay from the driveway and filling places that were thin.
I worked until 1:30PM and got the north half done, some around the marigolds and the east side finished.
I need to finish around the marigolds on Friday and do the area where the sleds are, plus finish the west side.
Bud on Big rose
On Friday the first thing we have to do is clean out the garden shed so we can get the cold frame covers in the very back. Then we have to get the cages out of the roof joists in the woodshed. They will go on the new Little trees to keep the deer from eating them in the winter.
The wood is supposed to be cut up on Saturday and my son and friends are moving it into the shed on Sunday and Monday, I hope.
Big rose
Once those 2 things are done, I will resume acorn picking and cleaning out of the Small garden and my helper friend will finish putting down mulch and start putting tarps down. Once I finish the acorns, I will help him.
Lovely roses in your garden. That’s a nice and sunny day for working in the garden. The root of the acorn looks incredible! I like oak trees but this involves a lot of attention and work.
I still have marigolds and zinnias blooming in my garden, and I haven't the heart to pull them out yet.
Me either! The zinnias are in the New Herb garden.
very nice roses
I got it from BuyNothing many years ago and it's never looked back.