Busy Day - August 8, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden3 months ago

Camera manual crop August 2024.jpg

I have a hard time utilizing info on a computer. I do better if it’s printed and I can read it over and over. The manual for the new camera was 212 pages. It can do some mighty nifty stuff, far too nifty for my capabilities. So I only saved 96 pages to print. That kept me busy for a couple hours first thing on Thursday morning.

Once it was done, I finished the laundry and then cleaned the kitchen. I sat down for a while waiting for the grass to dry. It was a cool cloudy day and by 10:30AM it was still wet.

Fence forsythias pruned crop August 2024.jpg

Then I remembered I was going to go do a much better job pruning the forsythia, so I went out and spent an hour on that. Now the branches don’t grab my hat as I go by.

I started mowing at 11:30AM and I did the area around the 7th Fence garden. I was going to have my helper friend start there weeding.

Seventh Fence - weeded crop August 2024.jpg

He got that pretty well cleaned out and I’d asked him to cut down the tall stuff in the rest of the Fence gardens.

Fence gardens - tall stuff pulled crop August 2024.jpg

They are still weedy, but the tall dead stuff or weeds are gone.

New Herb - lawn mowed crop August 2024.jpg

The grass wasn’t terribly high but it was terribly lush from all the rain we’ve had. Once I started on the mower with the permanent bagger, I was clearing the chute after each pass around an area. I must have done that 20 or 30 times. I finally got the yard done at 2:30PM.

Kabocha squash harvest crop August 2024.jpg

My helper friend had finished the Fence gardens and he harvested these 4 Kabocha squashes plus about 15 cukes. He got the cukes washed up and into gallon jars of cold water.

I had to go to the barn to mow so I got him the house phone and set him up to weed the New South garden.

New South - weeded crop August 2024.jpg

I was hoping he’d be close enough to hear the house phone ring when the mulch guy called. So he got this garden mostly cleaned out by the time it started to rain at 3:15PM. He couldn’t hear the phone when the mulch guy called twice. So now we know.

I was frantically trying to finish the mowing by 3:30PM when the mulch guy was due. I had 20 more minutes of mowing when it started raining, so I finished in the rain and got soaked. The mulch guy didn’t come because of the rain.

I got a shower and my helper friend prepared 2 large cucumbers for a snack for me. I didn’t have anything else lined up for him, so he left early.

Tomato and pepper harvest crop August 2024.jpg

My brother came home and wanted a pepper for his supper. He found these 3 tomatoes, with cracks from the rain. Three others had rotted. And he found 1 nice Kapija pepper for his supper.

On Friday my helper friend is back for 4 hours at 8AM, so I’m hoping I can manage to make more zucchini ravioli. I might be wiped out from all I did on Thursday.


Your tomatoes look so fresh
I think your fertilizer method is really helping
It looks good

Do you do laundry everyday or you have specific time of the week that you do it?

I try to get it done on Mondays, but often it gets dragged out over the week.

So good to be able to get fresh veggies straight from your garden to your dinning table.
You have quite a lot to learn in that manual, a bit at a time would work.

Wow you have really decent vegetables and garden look really wonderful :)

 3 months ago  

With all this rain in the forecast, I started picking all the tomatoes that had started blushing. They are on the counter now and they will ripen in the house. I am curious about the zucchini ravioli. I am going to see if I can find a recipe as it sounds like a nice dish to make.

You must have definitely have a very busy time