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RE: Let It Snow! a big house/tiny garden report

in HiveGardenlast year

Your vegetables look so hardy and delicious!

It seems like the grocery store vegetables are getting a lot worse. Some stuff starts degrading the moment it leaves the store and in weird ways. It's so bad that the only thing I will buy is potatoes and garlic, and those are even getting iffy now. I've started growing garlic, have 1 successful sprout out of 5 planted so far.

I discovered recently that a lot of stuff is grown with PGR's (Plant Growth Regulators) in food, and is FDA approved. It's banned for use in cannabis because somehow mutates the compounds and is considered toxic to smoke. Most of the cannabis in my area is laden with this toxic stuff. It's strange that it's legal for food but not smokable. In my mind that says it's bad in any form.

We need more people to start home gardening food the way you do, as a means of "fighting back."

Humanity is not in balance with nature and the degradation is accelerating.

I met a woman once who called herself a grassophobic, when I asked her why that was the case, she said because she is a shitophobic and does not want to step in any. She was not joking a single bit and used those words in a very serious way. She said there was no way anyone would ever get her to step on grass under any circumstances.

 last year  

Grocery store veggies are very old by the time they get to the store shelves. Zucchini, for instance, is inedible if you ask me. Once you've grown your own you realize just how unfresh all those "fresh" veggies really are. I don't know what they are treated with on the trucks and in the stores, but I've seen the rapid degradation once they hit my home too. I buy very little food in grocery stores now, and go there mostly for paper goods and pet supplies.

That poor woman probably has many other health problems too.