Hello lovely lady! 😊
Do the deer stay that relaxed every time you go outside? If so, I bet you could get some spectacular pictures of them. They are very pretty and are staying out of your garden, while fertilizing your lawn, a win-win, for you all. 😊
I'm looking forward to seeing some deer here, though it hasn't happened yet and we've been here almost 17 years. We have been blessed to get to know quite a few squirrels, chipmunks, a whole slew of different bird species and the turkeys have gotten very brave this year and that's been very cool for us. 😊
Oh, my land, it's time to get supper started...where did the day go, it was just after noon the last time I looked at the clock. Okay, that means, I've got to say goodbye for now and chat with you again soon. 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
They better stay out of my lawn! That was the back 40 behind the barn...
Oh, that is good, at least they aren't going for your gardens. 😊