Hello lovely lady! 😊
Have you thought of watering down the soil before putting it into the pots, to cut down on dust, etc...? Just a thought, it might not work, but could be worth a try if you have lots of the dusty soil left. 😊
We got another tray of our tomatoes and peppers started this week and yesterday we got to up-plant/transplant a few of the peppers we planted a couple weeks ago. If all the peppers and tomatoes that we planted come up, we should have an amazing selection of crops to choose from. We're looking forward to seeing all the different colours, sizes and shapes of the new peppers and tomatoes we picked up this spring. Hopefully, I'll have my phone with me when they start popping out and I'll get some good pictures to post too. 😊
Your garden beds are all looking great, happy, healthy and fruitful. I'm looking forward to seeing your Daylilies and Irises in bloom again. They'll have some gorgeous colours for you, (and us through your posts,) to enjoy soon. 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
It would raise enough dust transferring it to a container to wet down, then trying to mix the water into it. Amounts to the same thing in the end. Just wish they'd use plastic to package, as much as I hate to add to the plastic stream.
They should pack it in paper, like they do the wood shaving bricks, that's biodegradable, and you can soak the soil inside the paper in a tote or whatnot, then rip it open to get to the moist soil inside and plant away. 😊