Spring Means New and Amplified Growth | A HiveGarden Journal

in HiveGarden6 months ago



| Rocket/Mustard seedlings |

Spring is here. It is almost as if someone merely flipped a switch. Gone are the cold rainy days. The last couple of days feel like summer, almost as if we skipped spring altogether.

The result of this is exponential growth, everything is either growing, flowering, or pushing out new growth waiting to burst open.

Less than a week ago, I planted some rocket and mustard seeds. Now, they have already bursted through the ground! I presume this is the salad rocket seedlings, as they are always the quickest to sprout. I am still waiting for the mustards to sprout, unless I have it all wrong and that these are the mustard seedlings!

Last week, I also made some cuttings (see the photograph below-left). I am still hoping that they will take, as they look to be in some bad shape. The recent heat is not the best weather to make cuttings. We will see.

But on a more positive not, the cuttings which I made two months ago are growing strong and healthy. In a journal post I made at the start of August, I shared the many cuttings I placed in the flower pots after a storm again destroyed many of my plants. Now, I removed them from the pots and placed the cuttings that made beautiful roots in containers - I want to plant them elsewhere.


| Cuttings from 2 months ago |


| Cuttings from last week |

It is amazing just how well cuttings grow when you place them directly in the ground. I have been doing this all over the yard with rosemary and lavender, and many other plants. Below are two examples, one of a brand new cutting that has been growing its first new leaves, and a much older plant that has been growing for a couple of years now, but which is growing so well that I will be making many new cuttings from just this one plant!


| Rosemary cutting after couple of years |


| New lavender cutting growing |


| Wild strawberry flowers |

Elsewhere in the garden, the growth is almost exponential. My wild strawberries (on the right) are flowering, and I hope to harvest some for the first time this year. For a couple of years, I have tried my luck with them, now they are covering a pretty big area, with some of the runners making beautiful flowers.

Above these wild strawberries, my lemon trees are also growing so beautifully. Rarely do I catch them with full blossoms, as these only last a couple of hours or days, with the wind and animals/bugs destroying the petals as soon as they emerge. But I caught this one flower in all of its beauty, her leaves open and intact (below-left).

Next to these beautiful flowers, the lemon tree's new growth is just as mesmerising and beautiful (below-right). We had incredible rains this winter, and I have never seen these trees shoot out so many new stems. It is almost as if the tree is regrowing itself.


| Lemon tree new growth |


| Lemon tree blossom |

By now, I am not sure how many years ago it was, but I stuck some fig tree cuttings into the ground. And now, after I think two or three years, I can confirm that they have properly taken root (below-left).

The fig trees are also already pushing some baby figs (below-middle). We never really pick these, as the birds get to them first. Only in January/February do we manage to get some figs before the birds! The baby figs are accompanied by the most beautiful new fig leaf growth (below-right).

Fig tree cuttings
Baby fig
Fig tree growth

With all of the new growth, there are so many seedlings from plants across the garden that just arrived all uninvited. One may call these "weeds"! But you can also see the potential in them. One such potential is the September bossie/September bush (Polygala myrtifolia). There are hundreds of small seedlings popping up all over the garden, from the wind blowing its seeds to birds pooping the seeds all over the place (below-right). This plant makes the most beautiful and unique flowers, hundreds of purple flowers per plant attracting everything from birds to bees (below-left). This plant grows so well from seeds and so quickly as well! With all of these seedlings popping through the ground, it is a shame I cannot sell them; nurseries sell these shrubs for a pretty penny...



In the coming days, the growth of these plants will probably slow down, with fewer rains and much more heat, the plants will surely try and survive the change of seasons. This is a wonderful period, but also scary, as uncertainty cries victor - when will there be rain? When will the cold come again?

For now, happy gardening, and keep well!

All of the musings and writings are my own. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.

 6 months ago  


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 5 months ago  

Thank you so much!

Interesting to see the start of spring to see the growth of some wonderful plants in your garden. How impressive that both the arugula and the mustard are at least already showing signs of growth. You have beautiful cuttings at the edge of the garden and your lemon tree, like wild strawberries, decorates the natural environment.

I congratulate you for the important dedication you put into your garden and the love for your plants.

Happy afternoon. Success.

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much. It is hard work, many hours, blood and sweat that goes into the garden! But after much hard work, many years of patience, the garden is really finally showing its true colors. Thanks so much for the beautiful words and comment!

Good luck, my friend. The blessings of a good, productive garden are achieved through hard work and effort.

Happy afternoon.

 5 months ago  

Hard work is key, alongside consistency. Thank you so much!

There is nothing more exciting than seeing growth in a garden. It's so strange for me here in Canada to hear someone say "spring is here". I have a long wait for that haha.

 5 months ago  

I always feel bad about writing about spring knowing that the other half of the world is now entering a very cold winter - cold temperatures we never feel here. I am so fortunate to live in an area with moderate climate throughout the year.

I am not much of a gardener but your cuttings and seedlings look mighty fine to me. I'd love to have a small patch to grow some herbs and things for cooking but we live in a townhouse i.e. no garden and a very small balcony, north facing. But in our front yard we got some basil and rosemary, and chili peppers on the porch. Not bad but nothing like what you're showing us here. Should be interesting to see future updats.

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much! And sometimes small spaces make you think of creative ways to garden. I am very fortunate that I may "play" with the land that I have available. It is sadly not my property, but my family allows me to go wild. They love the progress and the produce. Thank you so much again!

I'll be honest I'm a littlr jealous on that Lemon Tree of yours! I've been wanting one but never get myself to plant one or go get one? Nubs.

 5 months ago  

I am lucky to have three! Never a day goes by without using some of the lemons and the lemon rind. Love them. The trees suffered some years ago, but with little bit of patience, lots of homemade compost, they are better than ever!

Our lemon tree grows pumpkin size lemons, but I think that the tree is on its last legs, as it really does not look well.
Great post here Mr. Gardener.

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Don't give up on the lemon tree. I had one that looked like it was dying, no new growth and no fruits, and after many years, it seems like new life is slowly starting to build up.

This tree has about 15 lemons now, but most of the have white patches on the skins, which tell me that the tree is not happy. Not aphids or such, but white marks. Maybe I pruned it too much last winter.

 5 months ago  

Maybe? I am not a lemon tree expert. Maybe if you leave it a little bit, things will turn for the better. From what I heard, lemon trees don't like to be pruned.

Well, in any case, somebody found a use for the lemon tree, and we are so excited.
Guess who is building a nest in it?


 5 months ago  

Oh my, I will watch your posts to see the new nest! I hope that it will be in clear view of your keen camera lens.

A great gift indeed, and my camera is very happy.

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