Cuttings, Fruits, Flowers and Seedlings - All In A Days Gardening | A HiveGarden Journal

in HiveGarden3 months ago


After another week, the garden is blooming once again. From flowers to fruits, cuttings and seedlings, everything is growing at a tremendous pace, in this week's garden journal, I muse about the flowers that still bloom and I think about the future of my garden.


Found Basil Seedlings


Amaranth Seedlings

A couple of months ago I planted some basil seeds and these seedlings popped up in no time. But after leaving the garden for a while, none of them survived, or so I thought! This morning, I saw two or three seedlings (above right) sticking their heads through the ground. Maybe from these two plants, I can make some others in the near future.

The amaranth seeds that I planted about ten days ago are also sticking their heads through the ground, and hopefully I can harvest some of their leaves in the near future as well! Every year I crave a dish I make from their leaves...


Gooseberry Fruits


Wild Rocket

This year, or at the end of the year, I am also getting much more success from the gooseberries. Throughout the year, I had some trouble due to wind breaking most of my gooseberry plants. But now, I have managed to grow them! And I already harvested some berries from other parts of the garden as well.

The wild rocket also took over, with many new plants and some of the older ones growing tons of new leaves. I have already harvested plenty from these plants this morning, turning their leaves into nutritious salads!


Process of Repotting Cuttings


Various cuttings

From the cuttings department, I am also knee-deep in work. I have made so many cuttings a couple of months ago and just before going to my fiance I made even more, and almost every single cutting survived! Now, I need to repot most, otherwise the roots will entangle and I might lose some of the cuttings. It takes so long for the roots to develop, I cannot skip the hard work now!

It takes some work to repot these cuttings. First, I need to take out all of the cuttings (above left); then I need to carefully detangle all of the roots (above middle); and then I need to replant them in a new pot (above right). But in the end, if all of the cuttings take, I have enough new plants to make a whole new garden! (I need to actually try and sell these plants...)



Throughout my garden, I am also seeing the most beautiful flowers. I have the worst hay fever this year, and I think it might be from all of the pollen in the air. I have any different species of plants blooming and dancing in the ample sunlight these plants are getting in the summer.

I can smell them (when I do not have hay fever) and I can only imagine the delicious honey that the many bees who visit them produce! How I wish I could make some honey from these flowers!

Alas, someone else will be blessed.

I hope that your garden produces some beautiful plants, flowers, fruits, or leaves for you!

Happy gardening.

All of the musings and writings are my own, and the photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.

 3 months ago  

Your gardening posts make me miss the gardens so much now that we are in the winter months. Everything looks great that you are doing and the bees will thank you for all your hard work. ♥

 3 months ago  

Thank you so much! I really hope so. Bees are always here in their plenty. And other insects as well. We are so lucky here in South Africa with year-round gardening, never snow or any bad weather by any standards.

 3 months ago  

May your gooseberries bear fruit!


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 3 months ago  

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

Thank you for showing your plants. I see you are presevering and waiting for your seedlings to sprout. I love your flowers but the most striking are the assorted pots that have cute little plants in them. I have several and your post encouraged me to show them, I will soon. Best regards.

 3 months ago  

Thank you so much for the beautiful comment. Please, do share them, and I am so glad that my post could inspire you! Keep well and happy gardening.

Hay fever is annoying, but seeing our gardens with such a variety of colors gives us incredible satisfaction.

 3 months ago  

For sure! It is every sneeze worth it. Happy gardening!

It looks like these plants have had a good year and are now showing it, of course behind their looming heads there is hard work of care and maintenance, well done 😊

 3 months ago  

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. And you are right, there is incredible hard work and sweat behind it! Keep well.

"Really enjoyed reading about your garden! These little miracles of nature truly bring so much joy. Both basil and amaranth are so beneficial. I hope your plants grow well, and you get to enjoy the taste of your favorite dish again soon!"

 3 months ago  

Thank you so much! The seedlings are doing great, I cannot wait for them to grow into big and strong plants! Keep well and happy gardening.