Thank you brother for your kind wishes. The children still have a bit of an obsession with 'zombie boxes' (ipad & nintendo switch) but as i keep telling them, if a balance with nature is maintained this isn't a problem. Finding and maintaining the balance however is a real challenge. So providing them access to places like this really helps a lot! They all but forget about the zombie boxes and rush around like nutters for hours. Just as it should be!
All the best to you for the upcoming summer season.
Thank you brother for your kind wishes. The children still have a bit of an obsession with 'zombie boxes' (ipad & nintendo switch) but as i keep telling them, if a balance with nature is maintained this isn't a problem. Finding and maintaining the balance however is a real challenge. So providing them access to places like this really helps a lot! They all but forget about the zombie boxes and rush around like nutters for hours. Just as it should be!
All the best to you for the upcoming summer season.
Yup, finding and maintaining balance the main challenge in life, it all comes down to that