🪴¡Hola comunidad de Hive!🪴
Hoy, en esta comunidad, quiero presentarles mi planta de sombra favorita, de las perfectas para estar en el hogar porque aparte de no necesitar luz solar, es perfecta para atraer dinero, según mi mamá y antiguas creencias. Es una planta sobre la que se dice que, si la mantenemos bien cuidada, no faltará el dinero en el hogar. Sea verdad o mentira, eso lo dejamos a vuestra elección, lo que es innegable es que es una planta realmente interesante y que se caracteriza por tener muchas variedades diferentes.
🪴Hello community of Hive!🪴
Today, in this community, I want to introduce you to my favorite shade plant, one of the perfect ones to be in the home because apart from not needing sunlight, it is perfect for attracting money, according to my mother and old beliefs. It is a plant about which it is said that, if we keep it well cared for, money will not be lacking in the home. Whether true or false, we leave that to your choice, what is undeniable is that it is a really interesting plant and that it is characterized by having many different varieties.
Sus hojas están compuestas por un tallo grueso y foliolos redondos relativamente gruesos de color verde oscuro con un característico brillo. Sus raíces también son gruesas y tanto las raíces como las hojas actúan como órganos de reserva de agua. Estas plantas no son muy exigentes en cuanto a la luz y crecen bien incluso en aquellos lugares donde no hay mucha luz natural, pero con suficiente suplemento de luz artificial.
Its leaves are composed of a thick stem and relatively thick round leaflets that are dark green in color with a characteristic sheen. Its roots are also thick and both the roots and the leaves act as water storage organs. These plants are not very demanding in terms of light and grow well even in those places where there is not much natural light, but with sufficient supplementation of artificial light.
Sin embargo, para potenciar un correcto desarrollo, agradece una posición luminosa pero sin incidencia del sol directo. De esta forma, conseguiremos que los nuevos brotes sean compactos y de color verde oscuro. Los riegos han de ser moderados, dejando secar la tierra entre riego y riego. Tolera perfectamente los ambientes secos, por lo que no requiere pulverizaciones de follaje.
However, to promote a correct development, it appreciates a bright position but without incidence of direct sunlight. In this way, we will ensure that the new shoots are compact and dark green. The risks must be moderate, letting the soil dry between watering and watering. It perfectly tolerates dry environments, so it does not require foliage spraying.
La planta del dinero crea un sistema de raíces muy voluminosos y, si la planta está a gusto, enseguida satura el volumen de tierra disponible en el tiesto. Por esta razón, cada dos años será necesario trasplantarla a un tiesto de mayor tamaño, lo que incidirá directamente en un mejor desarrollo de la planta. Sin duda alguna, es de mis favoritas en casa, espero que tengan la fortuna de tenerla.
The money plant creates a very voluminous root system and, if the plant is comfortable, it quickly saturates the volume of soil available in the pot. For this reason, every two years it will be necessary to transplant it to a larger pot, which will directly affect a better development of the plant. Without a doubt, it is one of my favorites at home, I hope you are lucky enough to have it.
Here in my country, we call it a money tree. In fact, my sister got some of them in our house. Have a nice day ahead.
What is he name of this plant? Is it a Zanzibar? I have one in my house too, with the humid weather it has put out lots of new leaves and is finally getting bigger. I don't have much money though ahahah!