A good bean picking

in HiveGarden3 years ago

So now that my beans are producing their really giving off the beans this was yesterdays picking and i have twice as many left i need to go pick today. time to start making some pickled dilly beans and blanching and freezing.. I would rather eat frozen beans that came from my garden all year then buy fresh ones at the store. least my frozen ones i can gurantee have 0 chemicals or fetilizers on them as i grow everything 100% organic




Oh nice. I didn't plant beans this year but I am going to next year all along the chainlink fence. Beans and peas. Are you still scrapping? I started recently and have a community on Hive called Scrap and Salvage, it's @hive-172022 if you're interested. I remember you posting about it on steemit years ago. My other account is @wannabescrapper.

I sure am, just started posting again as i took a couple year break after we had our kid, nice to see some familiar faces are still on here

Right on, yeah it's been a while since I have been active here. Congratulations on the baby!

 3 years ago  

Very nice! We used to have harvests like that. Our first year in a new house, we planted far too many beans and had some with dinner every single night for a year. It was the reason I didn't buy green beans for the first 10 years after I left home! lol