December Garden Journal: Like Nothing Happened!

in HiveGarden3 years ago (edited)

We had a tiny bit of wind the entire week, it creates some cool sound at night inside the house wooooooh.

It's winter anyway, so there's nothing much growing out there, we don't mind the rain while enjoying a warm fire, and the greenhouse...

Hold on...

Where is my greenhouse?



Can you see the green house?


Found it!


It's cool , we're having fun, it's like playing fetch with your dogs, except you're the dogs, and you're fetching the tent.


Of course the way back was a challenge, as it's raining, it's cold, and you're transporting a metal frame, lucky for us it's aluminum, which could explain how it flew 300000 yards away.



How far did we walk? Wow, barely nothing!


It also might be a good idea to leave the tarp behind, and getting it back afterwards.


The house isn't getting bigger so it means we aren't moving anymore. Why did we stop?


OOOh I see. Yeah, let's check our emails, our Instagram feeds, and maybe while we're at it, let's check the weather forecast for the next 10 minutes, maybe if we're lucky it might stop raining 🤣 (sarcasm).

Of course, I am also holding my phone taking pictures; but it's not the same thing, right? I am working!! OOh no... Not working (right @leaky20?), I mean we're having fun, yay!


Tada! It's like nothing happened (I said the title!). I like it when things get back to normal, a little bit of elbow grease and we can build it back in no time, let's do this!


Or we can also leave it like this, that's not a bad idea...


Hey Jack are you busy in the next 10 minutes? It's about to rain again...I've got a very important mission.


Hey Jack do you want to help me transporting the tent?

Hnet-image (15).gif

Alright, I got the tarp back home, the dogs back in bed, and my wife is nowhere to be found.


It's drenched everywhere, lucky for me I got my boots, it might be the right time to pull some carrots!

That's one of the strange pleasure in life, pulling some carrots out of a wet soil. It's almost a metaphor for life, as you never know what sort of deformed carrot you're going to pull out.
It's also a metaphor for penises... (2).gif

The next day

Finally a little bit of sun, it's now time to come out and do some work, let's start with fixing the fence, turn the soil & compost in the chicken area, get the carrots, get some wood for the fire place (1k lbs of oak wood is roughly 70USD), and let my mind racing about the last couple of weeks.



It's been a strange 2 weeks, I haven't been out much, trying to record inside, but at the same time trying to keep the boat floating with the homeschooling, the cleaning, the potatoes (I found more potatoes lying around), not giving up on HIVE which crossed my mind at least 100 times this week, and maybe going through a deep existential crisis when we're trying to figure out our place in this world, and even we should move back again to South Africa, anyway a lot on my mind, so I appreciate spending time with my chicken, because they don't have much on their minds, they scratch, pec pec pec, then scratch again, lay an egg, and that's it for the day.

We stopped giving them names as explained in my previous journal, it was almost like a curse, you name one and then "bam", killed by something, or someone.
It's tough to be a chicken, I tell you that!


I should have taken a photo before and after, this is the after in case you were wondering, it was really looking bad before though, trust me 😄





Splashy Splash!! (3).gif

Hey ladies, you want some carrots?

Hnet-image (16).gif

oh I see, you're upset because of what I said earlier? Or is it the penis joke I made?

In all honesty girls, take it as a compliment, there's nothing wrong with being simple, the best haikus are the simplest!
Now, eat your damn carrots!

Hnet-image (17).gif

On that day, I didn't have the heart to explain to my chicken the benefits of carrots, especially in these trying times, at the same time they were more focused on chicken stuffs, I was focused on human stuffs, I don't think we were on the same page.


That's actually true about penises, and not the only thing we say🤣🤣😝 But about the carrots...What's up doc? Where are mine...?🐰🥕

 3 years ago  

Hahaha I have so many questions, but none of them are passing the PC test, I'll ask them another time. That gif of Bugs thinking about "carrots", priceless lol hahaha good one dear!

Lmao 🤣 sorry about the greenhouse but this is hilarious.

Greenhouse starts to drag and then stops moving entirely. Looks back. Wife is on phone.

Lmao. I almost died at that part.

I like the after photo as well. Admit it, for a split second it crossed your mind to throw a bunch of crap around the yard so you could re-create the before image. Lol I know because I've been there as well, but it's never worth it 😆

The hens are like women on dating sites and you with your carrot are like the guy with an unsolicited dick Pic.

"Come on, just have a look at it."
"No way man. Get away from me."

 3 years ago  

I like the after photo as well. Admit it, for a split second it crossed your mind to throw a bunch of crap around the yard so you could re-create the before image. Lol I know because I've been there as well, but it's never worth it 😆

Hahha imagine that, or even editing the pic with photoshop and adding some pots or the greenhouse. Nope though this is what happened.
The only thing where I lied, is about my wife scrolling through her Instagram feed, she doesn't care about social media and she was already back to work, but that's not as funny, right?

The hens are like women on dating sites and you with your carrot are like the guy with an unsolicited dick Pic.

We all thought that something was wrong, and you just found the perfect analogy, I can't tell you how much I smiled thinking of your joke today. I am still smiling haha. So brother, how many dick pics did you send in your career?

So brother, how many dick pics did you send in your career?

🤣 no dick pics from me lol
But I actually did meet my wife through an online dating site. No dick Pic required. - true story.

 3 years ago  

Again let's be real, I met my wife on Badoo 10 years ago. And of course, men of taste like us, we don't need to send any sort of pics!

Do you think, and I know that you love this type of discussion, that it is far fetched to say that we've been a part of a breeding program, created by an AI?
Isn't like The Matrix?

I do find conversations like that to be interesting actually. I like "crazy, strange, weird, creative, thought provoking...etc" ideas. I don't necessarily believe that they are the case but I like to ponder what could happen in the future or on another world or just the imagination. I think conversations like that expand a person's mind.

So if you have a theory I'm open to reading it or reading a post about it.

 3 years ago  

"Come on, just have a look at it."
"No way man. Get away from me."

STrange, wrong, and funny.

Yes, all of those things. Unless you actually receive one then... probably gross, disturbing and not at all funny.


"Where is my greenhouse?" Haha!

 3 years ago  

Hahaha poof gone...


i'm not supposed to be upvoting right now - cuz i drained my voting power SO MUCH that its so bad right now - i'm ashamed hahahaha but i have to upvote this LOLOLOL

carrot penises?!?!?! are you serious hahahahahahahahaha
and your poor greenhouse hahahahahaahaha

ok but wait - then it got very serious!
and moving back to SA?!?!?

i need to know about that!!! why???

glad you got your chickens happy with their.... ahem... carrots :)
and glad they listen to you when you need someone to talk to LOL

 3 years ago  

Don't worry, I wouldn't expect the LEADER OF THE FREAKING ENGAGEMENT LEAGUE to have any power left, because of so much engagement!!!

carrot penises?!?!?

Oh come on! We all thought of it right? Or am I the only depraved mind?

Yes moving to SA is on the table at the moment, I think it's because of the feeling of being trapped, that came with being restricted, not being able to have anything without the "pass", it just changed a lot of things... Right now SA is still banned, but we'll be on the look out. I am trying to find ways to keep the house we're renting, but subletting it via airbnb to people for the holiday season. It's a long shot, but it could allow us to have a place to come back if we need to.

Shit I might write a post about it, I have a lot to say!

and glad they listen to you when you need someone to talk to LOL

Is it what it feels like to go crazy? I know you have a lot of "friends" to talk to in your head, maybe you can relate? 😄

yeah... you should write a post... i'm curious about it all

chickens... voices...

same same 🤣

i know what you mean about being trapped. some things are JUST started to change here a bit. and tomorrow new restrictions are in effect. not sure what that will mean. we will see!

 3 years ago  


What was the new restrictions in effect?

All I saw was space - lots of it
Must be hard work

Hey those phones are an extension of us these days ;p

And go back to SA if you have to, but don’t you dare leave Hive!!

 3 years ago  

Yes as you say, lot's of space, very little time hahaha.

Let's throw the damn phones! I won't haha.

Thanks for giving us the stamp, we're good to go now lol 😁

but don’t you dare leave Hive!!

I have a friend or two that left, and it shook me, I hope they will change their mind (if you read this Art, come back!!)! In all honesty I took a few days off and enjoyed it so much, I realize that we spend a looooot of time here, and it's not a critic, but I can't help but think that sometimes you need to make some space for things in life, and HIVE takes loots of space in my life.

On the other hand, I am balls deep in it haha

I feel you coz I am "you"
I too have a few that stepped away completely, partly, left and came back

It does take a lot of time this Hiving, and I need a step back every now and then too
I think it is partly because we want to do these videos and videos do take just a little more time than just writing.

Like you, the times I've thought of throwing in the towel, unbeknownst to me, like a magnet it pulls me back slowly and then I am way deep again
Rinse, Repeat :p

 3 years ago  

Yeah I think it was Dreemsteem talking about having to walk away from time to time, and come back later.

It's weird because my opinion on this shift from one day to the other, hahaha, but you're right about the magnet effect, you might think it's just the dopamine addiction, but there is something else at play, you get addicted to the feeling of creating!

 3 years ago  

t's almost a metaphor for life, as you never know what sort of deformed carrot you're going to pull out. It's also a metaphor for penises...

This made me smile (^_^)

By the way, I love your storytelling, you seem to be having fun and I also had fun reading it. Have a nice day ahead.

 3 years ago  

Hey my brother, thanks so much, it's really @leaky20 that convinced me to have more fun, and it worked! We forgot how much enjoyable life can be, even the more challenging moments, like a greenhouse flying away!

 3 years ago  

You're welcome brother, I had so much fun reading your blog. Have a nice day ahead.

the typical day to go finding your greenhouse.... hahah
"to figure out our place in this world ..." is more difficult. World is crazy. What would be the best country to go?
funny hens scared of the carrots :-D

 3 years ago  

Oh my god seeing @hedac in my comment section is a sight to behold!

What would be the best country to go?

Your country is doing better than mine for sure! We're just looking at our options, and South Africa doesn't sound so bad anymore compared to France haha. Truth is, if South Africa is still closed, we will probably cross to Spain for a few months.

funny hens scared of the carrots :-D

That was a big one, that's why haha.

 3 years ago  

Hilarious!!!! So freaking funny.

Where do you live that you want to move back to SA?

Were the carrots tasty? And, most importantly, YOU HARVESTED MORE POTATOES?!

 3 years ago  

Hahaha thanks!

We are in the South of France, but I can feel that the kids and wife aren't just enjoying the culture and miss the motherland. Maybe a few months will do them some good, maybe they won't want to go back to France ever again, but I have to start to listen to them.

It's a long conversation we are currently having, and it's all up in the air for now, but I can start having a good idea how moving would look like, I know they would enjoy being back in Joburg, see their family, and maybe travel around Africa for a while. Just because!


It's the opposite, they harvested me!

And yes, some juicy, tasty carrots, and more where it comes from!

 3 years ago  

Good looking carrots anyway :) I hope you get clarity on your decisions, those are hard ones to make

 3 years ago  

Thanks dear friend, you're right, but nothing is set in stone, I've been spending my whole life outside of my own country, travelling, so I won't have any problem travelling again. My other half and the kids, that was their first experience out of Africa, out of Joburg. We have been gone for 3 years already, time does fly! Let's see how the world looks like in March, and that's when the decision will be made!

 3 years ago  

Oh, @edprivat, your posts always crack me up - thankyou!!!

I had to laugh at teh one of your wife checking - everything? - on her phone with the delicious irony of you taking a photo to post it on HIVE later.

Yeah, you better pin that thing down proper like! My husband always pins things like there's a hurricane a-coming, bless his pessimism**

[**realism. Autocorrect by husband.]

I end up naming the chickens because I have to relate funny stories of the stupid pickles they get into, or when they do parkour off the fences trying to get away from you as you come toward them with the food that they try to mug you for in the next five minutes. Not all of them get named - the ones without personality lose out. OUr current favourite is James Bond, named because apparently this breed was James Bond's favourite as he liked the dark brown eggs. Now it beats me how Ian Fleming got down to that level of detail with his characcter, but whatever.

It's sooo hard to find one's place in the world and I understand your dilemma. I'm sorry France isn't working out for you - I wonder if sans pandemic, whether it would have been a different story, or whether all of those dissatisfactions and existential anxieties wouldn't have been as writ large, yet still simmered under the surface.

Perhaps you can come and live on our apocalyptic hideway, when we eventually find it.

Thanks for your awesome post. You truly make my day.

 3 years ago  

Yeah, you better pin that thing down proper like! My husband always pins things like there's a hurricane a-coming, bless his pessimism**

We pinned it down with 4 concretes blocks, and a tree trunk, it still flew away like it was nothing.

I don't know what to do with that fact about James Bond's eggs, I imagine bond asking to the cook: "Fried eggs, sunny side, non stirred, sliced bread non toasted"! 😂

And to answer the question, yes, it's totally because of the pandemic and the way the country is turning into shit, I tried to explain to relatives today, why I will not comply, but you can sense the fear everywhere, and the lack of understanding.

THanks for the offer haha, but with your respect, I don't think Australia is currently doing better than France, it's more or less a testing ground for whatever, I guess you guys have a network of reliable people that can help you hide out if needed, but I can't even imagine going there, and not knowing anyone. Right now, it's all about planning the next few months, and making sure we can save a bit more also 😄!

I am glad you enjoyed the post!

 3 years ago  

Fried eggs, sunny side, non stirred, sliced bread non toasted


Yeah we are behind in most things, but ahead in totalitarianism.

Saying that, when it all goes to shit even more, vaccines will be the last thing on anyone's minds. Its remoteness works in its favour for sure.

Tassie so far hasn't mandated.. so far... but it's coming. The borders just opened up there.

Many people I know have had to quit jobs and take kids out of school. We had to Vax or we would have lost our jobs too. But we are pro choice and are horrified at where we have come to. I'm not sure anywhere will be safe.

 3 years ago  

I heard some crazy stories about the way they rounding up aborigines in the north of Australia, this is sickening and the international community isn't moving a finger, they'll continue to do whatever they want.

You're right about vax going to be the last thing on people mind, but I can't help but thinking the French are very soft, and won't know how to cope with starvation and a compromised immune system once it gets worse.
On the other hand, the South Africans, won't accept any compromises knowing they came out of an apartheid regime, and they know how to hustle, if shit hits the fan. I want get a generator, get a cheap 4 by 4, and to pack some shit , instead of feeding a government our hard earned money, while they don't want us to live normal lives, and need us to bend over, and also thank them.

We're free folks, we're staying that way! I wish we could make it to Tazmania though...

 3 years ago  

Yeah get back to SA, for sure. Grass roots survival. Mind you you'd think the French resistance counted for something!

 3 years ago  

These French pussycats!

 3 years ago  

OOh la la!

 3 years ago  

Even though it is probably very bad to say this, but I really enjoyed reading this in the comfort of my office room! Shame, I know the feeling (even though the furthest that my old plastic beer glasses I use to grow cuttings in blew in the winds here were downstairs).

I strongly feel your existential pangs.

No idead if you know about him, Jan Braai on Kyknet DSTV, but he always says: "dinge gaan nog lekker hier in SA," but for how long is another question. I am trying to figure my own place in this country and if I want to buy some property here. Alas, we will survive, albeit with crooked carrots.

Best of luck.

 3 years ago  

This is really!!! Hahaha... That's hard work but really funny! Carrots for the chicken? LOL, They will eat that for sure! ^_^

 3 years ago  

Hahaha thanks KEnny, yep, they loved it!!!!