Experimentation day / Dia De experimentación. Esp/Eng

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Hola chicos, espero que esten todos muy bien, hoy tube un dia diferente ya que pudimos experimentar un proceso que queriamos hacer hace mucho y me gustaria compartirlo con todos ustedes.
hoy me visito mi amigo y trajo con el, su maquiña Ipress, para extracciones de cannabis

Hello guys, I hope you are all very well, today I had a different day since we were able to experience a process that we wanted to do a long time ago and I would like to share it with all of you.
Today my friend visited me and brought with him, his Ipress machine, for cannabis extractions



aca el progreso del tiempo en mi jardin, total de 5 meses desde su germinacion hasta hoy que ocupparemos sus flores ya secas

Here is the progress of time in my garden, a total of 5 months from its germination until today that we will occupy its already dry flowers


Photo of Resinacompany

aprovechando que ya estamos en fecha de probar nuestras cosechas, decidimos experimentar con unos cuantos Gr. en esta nueva amiga.
es una maquina con dos platos de aluminio que se calientan de forma uniforme y con temperatura regulable, mas un piston que hace que estos platos de aluminio de presionen entre si con una fuerza de hasta 6 toneladas, dependiendo del modelo, nosotros tenemos la mas basica que es de 2 toneladas de presion

Taking advantage of the fact that we are already testing our crops, we decided to experiment with a few Gr. in this new friend.
It is a machine with two aluminum plates that heat up evenly and with adjustable temperature, plus a piston that makes these aluminum plates press together with a force of up to 6 tons, depending on the model, we have the most basic which is 2 tons of pressure

lo primero es seleccionar las flores, no deben estar muy secas deben tener un poco de humedad. esta flor tiene 3 semanas de secado, es perfecta para experimentar

The first thing is to select the flowers, they should not be too dry, they should have a little humidity. this flower has 3 weeks of drying, it is perfect to experiment


al tener nuestras flores ya seleccionadas procedemos a eliminar tallos, solo dejamos pequeñas flores con la menor cantidad de tallos posibles, ya te dire por que hacemos esto, una vez echo esto deberas tener unos materiales adicionales que son: papel de horno, malla de micrones " comprar en growshop" (las mallas de micrones son unas bolsitas especiales, aptas para aguantar el calor, hay de diferentes medidas, las medidas son el tamaño del los orificios que tiene la bolsita)

By having our flowers already selected we proceed to eliminate stems, we only leave small flowers with the least amount of stems possible, I will tell you why we do this, once I do this you should have some additional materials that are: baking paper, micron mesh "buy in growshop" (micron meshes are special bags, suitable to withstand the heat, there are different sizes, the measurements are the size of the holes in the bag)


aqui podemos ver como uno de mis amigos ya tenia las flores libre de tallos y con las flores dentro de la malla de micrones, en este momento pesamos la malla sin las flores y luego con las flores, para saber la cantidad que estabamos usando, en la foto que acabamos de ver, hay un total de 10gr de flores sin tallo
hay que llenar muy bien la malla por todos sus rincones, ya que podriamos perder extraccion al hacer la presion

Here we can see how one of my friends already had the flowers free of stems and with the flowers inside the micron mesh, at this moment we weigh the mesh without the flowers and then with the flowers, to know the amount we were using, in the photo we just saw, there are a total of 10gr of flowers without stem
You have to fill the mesh very well in all its corners, since we could lose extraction when pressing

ahora con el papel de horno hacemos una especie de bolsa que servira de recolector de la resina

Now with the baking paper we make a kind of bag that will serve as a collector of the resin

ahora lo que sucede con esto es que al ejercer una determinada presion, se separa la materia vegetal de la materia activa que es denominada como Rosin, se hace esto para conseguir separar la materia que no tiene componente activo de la vegetal, asi al consumir la flor se consume en un grado muy alto de pureza, evitando asi fumar la materia vegetal que no es necesaria, en pocas palabras es separar el componente activo de la flor para decicir el metodo de uso.
con el Rosin podemos fumar directamente en pipas especiales o vaporizadores ademas de aceites comestibles y untables hasta cremas y todas con fines medicos
y/o recreativos, es mas facil de consumir y en cantidades minimas tienes mejores efectos, al tener un grado alto de pureza, su consumo debe ser con precaucion

Now what happens with this is that by exerting a certain pressure, the vegetable matter is separated from the active matter that is called Rosin, this is done to separate the matter that does not have an active component from the vegetable, thus when consuming the flower is consumed in a very high degree of purity, thus avoiding smoking the plant matter that is not necessary, in short it is to separate the active component of the flower to decide the method of use.
With Rosin we can smoke directly in special pipes or vaporizers in addition to edible oils and spreads to creams and all for medical purposes
and / or recreational, it is easier to consume and in minimal quantities you have better effects, as it has a high degree of purity, its consumption should be with caution

aca tenemos el resultado, al recolectarlo nos dio un total de 1.12gr de extraccion en la primera apretada

Here we have the result, when collecting it, it gave us a total of 1.12gr of extraction in the first press

este es el "Chips" que queda despues de este preceso

this is the "Chips" that remains after this process

obviamente tenemos un conocimiento previo para asi no perder la materia, pero gracias a realizarlo por primera vez llegamos a estas conclusiones.
la materia extraida va a depender del nivel de tricomas que posea la flor, es decir, entre mas tricomas mucha mas extraccion.
dependiendo de que tan seca este la flor, va a variar que tan espesa o mas liquida sera la misma, nunca va a ser liquida como el agua pero puede ser como un caramelo u puede ser como un jarabe espeso.
dependiendo de la temperatura con la que se presione, varia el color y olor de la extraccion, ya que al controlar mejor la temperatura se queman menos tricomas y se disfrutan mas al consumirlos.
nosotros lo hicimos con fines recreativos y consumirlo es increible, el sabor es tan intenso al igual que la subida. super recomendable si se tiene buena cantidad, ya que es mucho mas seguro el consumo al no estar consumiendo materia vegetal en combustion.

Obviously we have prior knowledge so as not to lose the matter, but thanks to doing it for the first time we reached these conclusions.
The extracted material will depend on the level of trichomes that the flower has, that is, the more trichomes, the more extraction.
Depending on how dry the flower is, it will vary how thick or more liquid it will be, it will never be liquid like water but it can be like a caramel or it can be like a thick syrup.
Depending on the temperature with which it is pressed, the color and smell of the extraction varies, since by controlling the temperature better, fewer trichomes are burned and they are more enjoyable when consumed.
We did it for recreational purposes and consuming it is incredible, the flavor is so intense as well as high. Super recommended if you have a good amount, since it is much safer to consume as you are not consuming burning vegetable matter.

espero les guste este pequeño post con mi experiencia del dia, la verdad que para mi fue increible por que como ya dije, probar el rosin fue demasiado delicioso haha, ojala se animen los consumidores ya que su uso es infinito,
si tienes dudas sobre algo, no dudes en dejarme un comentario, hoy aprendimos muchos tips que estaria encantado de compartir <3

I hope you like this little post with my experience of the day, the truth is that for me it was incredible because as I said, trying the rosin was too delicious haha, hopefully consumers are encouraged since its use is infinite,
If you have doubts about something, do not hesitate to leave me a comment, today we learned many tips that I would be happy to share <3


aca una foto de como dejamos la pipa despues de unas cuantas degustaciones haha, como recomendacion final, siempre mantener limpio los bong donde se fuma, si se usa, se limpia sobre todo en estos casos, ya que el rosin es complicado de sacarlo una vez seco, y la verdad que fumar algo que tubo tanto trabajo, minimo hay que hacerlo todo de manera perfecta

Here is a photo of how we leave the pipe after a few tastings haha, as a final recommendation, always keep the bong where it is smoked clean, if it is used, it is cleaned especially in these cases, since rosin is difficult to remove once dry, and the truth is that smoking something that had so much work, at least you have to do everything perfectly

un gran abrazo para todos y que tengan una excelente semana
> a big hug to everyone and have a great week


en la foto que acabamos de ver, hay un total de 10gr de flores sin tallo

En esa bolista hay 10 gramos? a simple vista en relacion a la mano parecen 2 o 3 , es una mano humana? 😂

hahaah, pareciera que es poco pero como comente en el post, hay que meter las flores a presion,esa bolsita esta repleta y a presion hahah😄

Nice man. I have been looking into getting a press and doing this as well. Keep up the great work homie.

thanks bro. In my country they sell them, this one cost us 500 us, the same before having this one, we used a hair straightener hahah, good results were obtained <3