 10 months ago  

Oh dear cuddlekitten. Looks like you are being downvoted into oblivion. Sorry about that. Hope you at least enjoyed all the kittens here ;)

yeah .. I guess the kitten bot that has never powered down any HP is simply extracting too much value from this chain to be tolerated... lol...

It's a shame... so many people enjoyed the kitty... but maybe it's just time to stop the cuddles now...

 10 months ago  

Hello there old friend.

Am sorry for your current situation as i for one enjoyed the cuddles and cat comments. Have conversed with markymark about this in the past but he didn't seem very understanding. Alas, that's how it is here. You can't please everyone!

Well, i send you and your cats all the best wishes for 2024 and who knows, perhaps eventually there will be a dedicated cat chain where people can actually do what they want without unwritten rules to obey.

oh well... 🤷‍♂ it is what it is.