Excellent post! It shows that you are an avid reader and that you have a partner willing to divulge the mysteries of photography... although I think your photography is also intuitive, you have an artistic vision, you see the beauty and that helps so much in framing, choosing the angle and the subject.
Olive orchards are so beautiful, I didn't know they require so much work to care for. I have a question. Why don't you let the sheep clean the branches they reach, because they are still lost (I mean if you shear them they are gone, same if the sheep eat them)? It's probably aesthetic or maybe the sheep cause more damage if they climb the olive tree.
The scenery is gorgeous in this "centerpiece" of the island and photos help a lot.
You are probably on your way to the place where you will celebrate Easter. I wish you a happy and joyful Easter!
What a comment, thank you for your kind words!
Especially for goats, when they eat the leaves and inevitably the edge of a branch as well, then eventually the whole branch will die. It has to do with their saliva.
When sheep eat the edge, this is the productive part of the tree, and the tree will continuously send juices to a place that cannot grow (especially if the sheep are regular visitors at the field) or produce anymore, instead of sending the juice to the healthy parts.
It is a beautiful place. Next time we will take a walk at the village there, it is really nice.
Packing our stuff in a while and ready to go!!!
Thanks for your time, it was very enjoyable and informative. Packing is a less pleasant chore, but you will definitely be rewarded with beautiful days wherever you go. Enjoy your trip!