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RE: Better late than never - Garden

in HiveGarden7 months ago

i find getting soil in for the raised beds the hardest for sure. all ours are well out the back and through the house. Every bit needs to be carried in by hand. (other than what we get out of the compost.) Do you have a compost spot? even if you don't get much you could make on of them a composting spot for a few months to make compost for the other three? start adding grass clippings and kitchen scraps?

its what we did with the 4th of our beds to help feed the other three.

what are you planting in them come "planting time"

good luck!



I hope to make a salad veg garden and maybe experiment with some berries.Thanks @blingit. Finding soil was the most difficult part. I dug what will become a pond to get some and will recycle some soil that I get from work I am doing for an office plant company. I have started a compost heap also and will get some goodness from there later. I still have time.

 7 months ago  

yeah compost is the best!!

nothing like fresh leaves from the garden for salads and things. thats what we grow so much of. salad greens and herbs (and all the other things, but we use the greens every day)

keep us posted on the progress!!