The Bath tub diaries

in HiveGarden3 months ago

Since we settled here, over 6 years ago now, bath tubs keep arriving like by art of magic. I am almost ready to lose count..

A couple of years ago I wrote about working with them and you can read this post here:

On a hot summer day, sitting in our heavy cast iron tub is a life saver and before having our outside shower it was where we bathed too.

Our Red California worms process our kitchen scraps in two separate tubs which allows for moving them back and forth each time we take humus out and restart from scratch.

A rare cement tub houses our most beautiful herb garden which is used on a daily basis, and more so in the cold winter days, when many infusions are consumed.

Other tubs are used as large, deep planters where we use a layering technique that enhances plant growth and enables more control over water retention, among other things.

It is pretty straight forward to build a simple wooden support for a tub and level it over cement slabs to keep it out of the ground humidity.
any timber left overs can be used for that, to be later treated with used engine oil for protection.

Some of the benefits of using tubs as planters are:
· better humidity control
· better weed control
· better pest control / no rodent access
· better variety separation
· and more

the tubs, besides being layered, are heavily mulched on top to help with water retention, UV protection, weed suppression, root temperature control etc.

the newly incorporated tubs are used for the reproduction of plant varieties that we produce commercially and that are later sold on our local markets.

the work with such large planters saves time and space and allow for more elevated success rates of the propagation processes and overall better results.
I anticipate that as more bath tubs flow in, in the future, more of them will be incorporated as planters in the greater operation in and around the nursery activities.

At the end of the day, I find time to experiment with the art of Bonsai. It is my first go at it having planted a wild olea (Olea Sylvestris) in a temporary pot. more on that later.

Wishing us all peaceful holidays and a happy new year 🌱❤️

I am daily making the change I want to see in the world.
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Pretty awesome. You are very versatile with your bath tubs. I would love to do something similar in/on @clareartista and my future garden/land


I hope you find it soon ❤️

Using bathtubs as pots has many more benefits than a big pot apparently, plus they look good showing them off in the garden hehe and you can incorporate more plants without being crowded 👀

yes !
many more uses and benefits.
divisions, barriers, you name it.
thank you 🙏