Spring Buds and Garden Chores...

in HiveGarden7 days ago

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Spring seems to have well and truly arrived in the Land Down Under! The days are warmer, the sun is out, the automatic heating doesn't run all day, and the new shoots are starting to poke out everywhere!

Our kiwi vines have started bursting out their leaves... we are hoping that they will make it clear over the top this year... there are two that almost made it last year, but they kept getting cut down by the birds! This year will be the year though... and there is one that is stunted at about a metre in height... and we are just hoping that this one will make it a few metres higher to hopefully do the clearance the following year... at least it isn't dead, we weren't sure... but it is budding out new leaves.

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Meanwhile, the fruit trees at the back don't all look like sticks any more... the new leaves are coming out... and they are being watered every second day. I can't wait to see how these are going to turn out!

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Out of the five trees, there were two apples, two plums, and one lemon... and currently, one apple, one plum, and the lemon are looking quite healthy... the other two (one apple, and one plum...) are still a bit on the sticky side of things... but hopefully they will start breaking out some leaves!

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The clean up from the big windy day is still moving along... lots of gathering of the fallen branches and debris followed by a good amount of shredding. The arborist also dropped by for a visit... there are quite a few things that will need to be done, and that will cost a pretty penny. But better to do it instead of having a large branch drop where it isn't wanted.

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I'm always amazed by how much a shredding reduces a big pile down... this will be just floor mulch to spread around. And the stuff that didn't fit in the shredder will go to the neighbour who was interested in firewood.

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We will lose two of the larger wattles that we have on the block... it is a bit of a pity, they do put up such an amazing display. But they are really getting too big, and the way that they splay outwards is quite dangerous and mechanically unstable. We will still have about 12 more smaller wattles (my daughters went around counting...), which will still give a nice display of yellow... but we will keep them better in check as to how big they grow!

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Like this one... small, and manageable!

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With the onset of spring and then summer, we will have to do a good deal more watering... even though we have a mostly native garden, we still have a veggie patch that is in progress and fruit trees. So, something to handle the long hoses will be very useful. Something like this snap-together trolley.

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Ta da! Now I just need to wind the hose around it... a different day!

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It is always good to keep the growth of trees in residential areas under control to prevent them from being destroyed in their entirety and lost forever, it is better to keep them at a fixed size.


Yep, we are definitely going to try to keep these ones manageable! The previous owner just let them go crazily wild!

Seems a bit more than a little garden😂😂😂

Aren't the trees perennials...

Meaning about 2-3 springs before y'all eat apples and peaches...


Yeah... it isn't a little garden at all! Sigh... that long?!?!?... oh well, we are patient!

 5 days ago  

We really could do with a shredder/mulcher, but for a good one that can handle what we throw at it, it's pretty exy.


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I just picked up a pretty cheap one second hand... so far, it does what it needs to do in a residential area, and anything bigger goes to the neighbour for firewood!

Those dang birds are the worst. My mom and dad used to have some really nice blueberry plants in their back property and they got completely decimated by the birds! Nice hose reel!


I have to check the netting around here... apparently they need to be of a sort that won't end up killing the birds. There are on-the-spot fines for the wrong nets!

Oh wow, yeah, you better make sure you get the right stuff!