Saving my tomato plants 🍅

in HiveGarden8 months ago

Hello HiveLovers

In this crop season prior to the rainy season ☔️ I germinated 15 tomato seeds 🍅 in order to have a good harvest for me and my life partner @cvnuitter we want to add this fruit to our menu to make pizzas at the Agro café ☕️ and have options to preserve tomatoes either by drying them in the sun or candiing them.


The issue is that recently I observed that some plants began to wilt and that may mean that they die. And with it goes the desire to have a good harvest of tomatoes.

How to identify what disease your Tomatoes have

Tomatoes suffer from different diseases. And this makes it a little difficult to differentiate what type of disease you have specifically.

The first thing I did was look at the leaves and the roots and I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, but suddenly I saw an anthill. These ants are carnivorous ants that also feed on some of the remains of what we throw on the bed as a result of what we eat every day.


I used a little vinegar mixed with water to smother the anthill and the next day there were no ants but the tomato plant was still wilting.

So I continued observing for several days until I found what I suspected from the beginning. Last year I also grew tomato plants, and they showed rot. Which is very common in the rainy season since the plant cannot absorb more water than normal which means that the plant begins to wither to release excess water and therefore the Mata dies.


But I also found an alarm or worm that is very common in this type of crop. It is a worm called tobacco worm which in its larva stage feeds on plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, to name a few.


This worm sucks the sage from the plant and the nectar from the flowers, removing the essential nutrients for these plants to grow healthy and that is where the plant begins to get sick, wither and subsequently die.


It is solved in a very simple way: remove the worm and eliminate it so the plant can recover and continue to thrive.

Tips to keep your gardens healthy

The number one and most essential tip when it comes to keeping your garden healthy will always be to observe it day by day, this way you will be able to know if there is any type of fungus or animal that attacks the plants and make a decision how to create some fungicide in case it is a fungus, remove any pest if necessary and that way you will always have healthy crops.

Now we just have to wait for the plant to recover and produce tomatoes.

Due to the appearance of this worm, I have made the decision to fumigate it preventively with an organic preparation of neutral detergent water and vinegar. In order to eliminate any type of fungus and any type of insect that may interfere with the development of tomatoes and other crops that we have in the gardens.

Preparation of fungicide and organic insect killer

5 liters liters
1 cup of vinegar
1 cup of detergent or neutral soap

Mix all the ingredients and spray the top of the leaf and the bottom of the leaf with a spray bottle.


Use in the evening and apply it every two days. Since it is rainy season, it is not necessary to clean what has been sprayed.


If it is not the rainy season, you should water it to remove the remains of the fumigation.



I hope this post helps you if you have any crops.


Your wearing an apron. Is it really a messy job or were you also playing in dirt planting other things? 😁😍🤣🤣

I love that last image of you spraying the plants.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!