Early Spring In The Gardens

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Hello, hivers and garden lovers!

It's still really early in the spring here where I live. We've just had our first full week of above freezing daytime temperatures. It's been warm enough for the past few days to melt a lot of snow, but my garden is still covered with the cold white stuff. You can see where my railroad goes through the snow, but the rest of the garden still has a fair amount of snow left to melt.


My container garden is a bit better off, the snow in this area has mostly melted away. The 4 big black pots in the foreground will be going back into the greenhouse once I get the goldfish back into their pond and get the tank out of the way.


The greenhouse is still a mess, but it's not as bad as it was for most of the winter. I moved the bicycles out of the way so that I could get to the pots to finish cleaning them out.


With the sun shining on a nice early spring day, it can get pretty warm in the greenhouse in the afternoon. It's too bad that my greenhouse doesn't hold heat very well at night.


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I drove up to the community garden to get a look at my garden plots. It's still way early to be able to start working on them, but I would imagine that I'll be spending some time up there in a few weeks, after the ground thaws out.



I'm still in the process of thinking about what types of tomato plants to start for this year's garden. I won't be planting any seeds until April, I don't want to start them too soon. I start them in the house, but I don't have a place to keep the plants in the house as they get bigger, and I can't put them in the greenhouse until May because of the low temperature at night. I'm sure that I'll figure that out by the time I'm ready to plant the seeds.

That's all I have for this post, thanks for checking it out!


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 3 years ago  

I am sure you are excited about the coming spring. As for me, I am excited to see your gardening blossoming this spring. Good luck and have a nice day ahead.

Nowadays the temperatures are similar, where I live (in Hungary) (cold/frosty nights and mornings, pleasant daylight temperatures), but nowadays we do not have snow.

Hopefully the spring will come soon.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

I see so many people planting and then once in a while, I see snow outside my windows. I know how you feel... frustrated... let me plant!!!

I'm with you on that!

Is the UP zone 5? or 6?
I am in zone 6b/7a. So, quite a bit is happening this week.
Here's my post on it: https://peakd.com/@bluefinstudios/weekly-grovid22-update-tomato

Potato into Grow Bags early this week. Most likely seeds sown inside in the grow shelf, for Zucchini and Squash this coming weekend.

Yup, this year we have you beat. It's like April here...