A few days ago I posted that I moved house and had taken my little plants with me, but now that they are all in their new home and organized I realized that the space I have allows me to have some more and as a good plant lover I took on the task of expanding my collection.
I was in a plant store that some neighbors on the block recently opened and they have a variety of plants to choose from, they have a lot of orchids and succulents and a wide variety of plants to choose from.
It was very difficult for me to decide what I was going to take because I liked everything, the colors, those flowers that smelled so sweet, this little improvised shop belongs to two very kind old men and they set it up because for years they have been dedicated to gardening and according to the lady has so many plants that she no longer knew what to do with them and decided to sell them.
They did not think they would have so much acceptance in the neighborhood, but they were radicvalmente wrong, have created a collective vice all want to have a pot with lasa flowers they have, many people do not have a garden and still buy, have them in a window, the portal or balcony
The gentlemen even sell compost, they give you advice on how to take care of the plants and where is the most comfortable place to put them, they are very kind and very good people, also very knowledgeable about what they have in their store, they are very humble people who have gone ahead in a very beautiful way, making many people happy.
In the end my husband had to drag me out of there and I left almost bankrupt, I wanted to take everything, in the end I managed to take several orchids and a lily.
My husband made me a shelf and there I placed them in the garden, my happiest moment is to accommodate them in their new home, look for the perfect place where they will be filled with that green energy so good for me, My little girl has apparently acquired this love of her mother for plants and immediately ran to see what we had brought and helped me to place them and climbed with his dad to accommodate the curujei we also brought, I am teaching her to take care of them with me, I am one of the people who think that children who grow up surrounded by plants and taking care of them, are kinder and more empathetic children.
Finishing the day of shopping and arranging them, it started a heavy downpour that almost flooded my garden and we found this beautiful scene on our steps, I do not know if it is something normal in them but I want to think that they also protect their babies at all costs and that my garden is a safe place for them.
There was a time when I used to shop a lot of plants, you made me remember that awesome feeling. :) I hope all the plants flourish beautifully.

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!
haha omg, I imagined you in that store wanting to take everything and your husband wanting to get you out of there 😂
It's hard to choose between one plant and another, sometimes they have so much variety and all of them so beautiful that you literally want to take the whole store haha
They are beautiful the ones you chose 😍
Yes, it was very difficult for me and even harder for him to get me out of there 🤣🤣🤣🤣.but it was his fault that he discovered it and told me it existed.