My two square meter garden log - 16 Jul 2023 / 2㎡の庭の記録 2023年7月16日

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I woke up around 5am and slowly started my day. I went out to the balcony with my camera and a cup of coffee as always ☕️ I found a kind of table (a plant pot cover placed upside down) and a chair brought by my daughter. It was a good place to take a break after yoga and observe the plants 😊 Sometimes we have different opinions but over all it's really nice to have a small garden buddy even for such a small balcony garden.

Last night, we had a substantial amount of rain after a week. The raindrops on the tomatoes were simply beautiful.

Strawberries are coming back. I'm glad that I planted early and late variety so that we can enjoy strawberries through spring to summer 🍓

Strawberry plants that finished producing fruits make runners. I continue potting the babies for the community garden. I found that I can fasten them well in a pot with small wood sticks. I'm happy about this solution as they are compostable and therefore I don't have to remove them 😊 🙌

This week I visited my friend's garden. She showed me lettuces her husband planted. She told me he bought young plants. I've only had lettuce from seeds only in spring or autumn but since they are good gardeners, I followed them. I made some space and planted eight lettuce from a local farmer. And thanks to the farmer, the plants are only 30 cents per plant. It would be nice they settle and I can manage lettuce from my mini balcony over the summer.

It was too hard for me to make a good photo of tiny bean flowers and pods swinging in wind but I was happy to find the first runner bean pods and Lima bean flowers. Excuse me for the low quality photos ... I wanted to share my joy 😉

I have a lot to talk about the Lima beans ... but I keep it until I harvest the beans. They are so beautiful.

That's it about my micro balcony garden. Have a nice Sunday and happy gardening 😊



昨日は38度の猛暑のあと、深夜に雨が降って、しっとりしたいい朝でした。ヨガをしてバルコニーに出ると、子供が置いた椅子と、道で拾った金色の鉢カバーをさかさまにしたテーブルもどきがあったので、ここで一服することにしました。子供部屋がほしいか聞いてもいらないといいますが、ここが子供部屋なのかもしれません。安上がりないいやつです w



実をつけ終わったいちごの植物はどんどんランナーを伸ばして子株を増やそうとしています。コミュニティーガーデンに持っていくために子株の下にポットを置いて根付かせようとするも動いてしまってどうしたものかと思っていたのですが、ふと、木の小さな棒で抑えることを思いつきました。この木の棒、植物の名前を書くために買ったものの、小さすぎて放置していました 😅 今のところうまくいっていて、木なのでコンポストできるのもよさそうです。


写真がぼけていてごめんなさい、、、でも紅花インゲンの最初の実がついて、あとスペインの豆愛好家にわけてもらったリマ豆に花がついていて、うれしかったので 😉




Oh the plants are growing happily. I am excited to see the strawberry ready to harvest.

We also look forward to harvesting the summer strawberries after the spring ones 😊 🍓

Happy Children's Day, Hive family Hive Garden .

The priority is our children. May happiness abound in the hearts of all the children of humanity. 🤡

I enjoy gardening with my daughter as I did the same with my grandma and mother :)

The strawberries look very healthy from my view. Thanks so much.

Yes, we have really good fruits from them. Store bought strawberries are nice too but often I'm sad too see some crushed or molded ones in the bottom of the box ... So having some plants at home is something nice :)

