Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Sep 9 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in HiveGarden6 months ago

Last weekend was our area's annual Art Night, and since I had visitors and had to keep the office open, I’m writing this garden journal a day late. In Germany, we had a few last intense summer days over 30°C, but starting today, the weather has shifted, and we’ll be seeing cooler days with highs only around 20°C.

Last week, I found a kumquat tree of just the right size for a really great price and couldn't resist an impulsive buy. It wasn’t a long distance to carry it, but it was quite heavy with the soil. Still, I didn’t mind at all.

I was so happy that I ate one on the way home on the tram. The sweet and sour taste was just delightful and made me even happier.

The reason I wanted a kumquat tree so much goes back more than eight years when I traveled to Japan to research longevity and food traditions. I stayed at the home of an 87-year-old woman in Fukui Prefecture, and she had a pot of a kumquat tree by the entrance, telling me, “Feel free to eat the fruits anytime.” Ever since then, I’ve thought it would be nice to have a kumquat tree. The area in Japan we stayed at gets a lot of snow in the winter, just like here in Germany, so I’m hoping my kumquat tree will bear lots of fruit.

Aside from the kumquat, the last of the summer tomatoes have ripened, and I picked them for lunch to make pasta for my partner and me.

Some of the tomato plants are still flowering, but it seems unlikely that they’ll produce more fruit. After visiting Hive Fest (@hivefest) this week, I’ll probably start preparing the balcony for autumn ... as long as the summer doesn't come back 😁

The morning glories will be ready to harvest seeds soon. Since they’re not very common, organic seeds tend to be expensive, so I’m thinking about harvesting them to give as year-end gifts to customers at the market.

With the cooler weather, watering becomes less of a chore, pests are less of a problem, and it’s easier to grow leafy greens. The arugula has been thriving since the end of summer, and I plan to sow seeds for Shungiku (Japanese edible chrysanthemum) and lamb’s lettuce, both perfect for autumn and winter.

That’s how things are going on our tiny balcony as we transition between seasons. For me, growing a little bit of food for my family or flowers to decorate home, and having a relaxing space outside the door, is something truly special.

This week, I’m attending Hive Fest starting. Will anyone from @hivegarden be there too? If so, I’d love to chat about gardening!

🍊 🍊 🍊





なぜ金柑の木がほしかったかというと、ビットコインオレンジにかけたからではありません 😉 今からもう8年以上前に、日本に長寿と食の調査旅行に行った時に滞在させてもらった、福井県の87歳のおばあちゃんのおうちの玄関に金柑の木の鉢が置いてあって、「いつでも食べていいよ」と言われていて、うちの玄関にも金柑の木があったらいいなと思っていたのです。私たちが滞在したのは、福井の冬は雪深い地域で、ドイツでもたくさん実をつけてくれたらと期待しています。


花をつけているトマトの株もあるのですが、さすがにもう実をつけるまではいけなさそうで、Hive Fest(@hivefest)から帰ってきて、来週バルコニーを秋仕様に模様替えすることになりそうです。




今週は明日からHive Festに参加します。@hivegarden からもどなたか来るでしょうか?もしいたらガーデニングトークで盛り上がりましょう!