Everything became green again / Todo volvió a reverdecer (Eng/Esp)

in HiveGarden3 years ago


Hello, happy day to all.
Here in Venezuela we are thankful to God because winter has arrived, and it is very good to rest from the intense heat that the summer gave us.

Actually the weather has been behaving quite strange lately, because the summer is hotter than before and the winter brings rains and strong winds, more than in the past.

I guess those are still some consequences of what we have talked about before; global warming.

But today I want to show you how it behaves even the ground, yes, the earth itself. It seems also something strange but true: as a result of the constant rains, the soil (what here in Venezuela we call the vegetal layer of the soil or fertile layer) is more active than ever, it is more fertile, and this is very good on the one hand, because there are more probabilities of production.

But the crudeness of the matter is the following: any kind of weed is born, of different species, and in a very fast way. But the plants that produce food need a lot of care, as if the existing nutrients in the soil were not enough.

I think this is also due to the high competition offered by the surrounding weedy species, thus exposing the plants to a constant struggle for minerals and micro nutrients that exist in the fertile layer.

For example, in our case, we have started a period of weeding that is carried out almost weekly, because the weeds proliferate very quickly.

It is exhausting, and at the same time discouraging to see the green, strong, overpopulated weeds, of different species, growing very strong, and on the other hand, our tomato, chili, paprika and pumpkin plants are very weak and yellowish.

I don't know if this same experience is happening to others. But with everything, we keep trying, using new methods, always trying to take care of the land of agrochemicals, or some destructive methods; rather we bet for the natural, using our main tools such as patience and perseverance, along with the good mood, which sometimes wants to vanish, but reading some good comments and words of encouragement, that helps to continue in this work that is very old and will never cease to exist: agriculture.

Our planet is designed to be sown and cultivated, and that is what we must do, no matter how much it is put against it. We know that the creator of all things wishes it so.

Remembering all this motivates us and helps us to encourage others to plant. Supermarkets would not exist without what is produced in the field. On the other hand, even if the supermarkets were to cease to exist, the land will continue to bear fruit.

But we must get to work so that the work is rewarded. It sounds hard but someone has to do it, and that someone is you.

I invite you, if by any chance you have never planted a tree, write that down as one of your priorities to accomplish before you pass away. It would be a good opportunity to leave a footprint and to know that you have done something good, something that corresponds to you to do in your passage through this neighborhood that we call earth, and that we all must take care of and plant.

Right now we continue the fight against the weeds, trying to slow them down a little so we can plant and harvest something.

In the following video I want to show you how the patio of my house looks like, even though I cleaned it a few days ago, and today it is covered with weeds.

In a next opportunity, with God's help, I want to present that same soil planted with some food species.
We hope it will encourage you too.


Hola, feliz día para todos. Por acá en Venezuela agradecidos con Dios porque llego el invierno, y es muy bueno descansar del intenso calor que nos daba el verano.

En realidad el clima se ha estado comportando bastante extraño últimamente, porque el verano es mas calurosos que antes y el invierno trae lluvias y fuertes vientos, mas que en tiempos atrás.

Imagino que esas siguen siendo algunas consecuencias de lo que hemos conversado antes; el calentamiento global.

Pero hoy quiero mostrarles como se comporta hasta el suelo, si, la misma tierra. Parece también algo extraño pero cierto: como resultado de las constantes lluvias, el suelo (lo que aquí en Venezuela llamamos la capa vegetal del suelo o capa fértil) esta mas activa que nunca, esta mas fértil, y esto es muy bueno por una parte, porque hay mas probabilidades de producción.

Pero lo tosco del asunto es lo siguiente: nace cualquier tipo de maleza, de diferentes especies, y de una manera muy rápida. Pero las plantas que producen alimento necesitan de muchísimos cuidados, como si no fuera suficiente los nutrientes existentes en el suelo.

Creo que esto se debe, también por la alta competencia que les ofrecen las especies de alrededor que son maleza, exponiendo así a las plantas a una constante lucha por los minerales y micro nutrientes que existen en la capa fértil.

Por ejemplo, en nuestro caso, hemos iniciado un periodo de desmalezamiento que casi se lleva a cabo semanalmente, porque la maleza prolifera de una manera muy rápida.

Es agotador, y a la vez desanima ver la maleza verde, fuerte, superpoblada, de diferentes especies abriéndose paso y creciendo muy fuerte, y por otro lado, nuestras plantas de tomates, ají, pimentón y auyama muy débiles y amarillentas.

No se si a otros le estará pasando esta misma experiencia. Pero con todo, seguimos intentándolo, usando nuevos métodos, siempre tratando de cuidar la tierra de los agroquimicos, o de algunos métodos destructivos; mas bien apostamos por lo natural, utilizando nuestras herramientas principales como lo son la paciencia y la perseverancia, junto con el buen animo, que a veces se quiere esfumar, pero al leer algunos buenos comentarios y palabras de animo, eso ayuda a continuar en esta labor que es muy antigua y nunca dejara de existir: la agricultura.

Nuestro planeta esta diseñado para ser sembrado y cultivado, y eso es lo que debemos hacer, no importa cuanto se ponga en contra. Sabemos que el creador de todas las cosas lo desea así.

El recordar todo esto nos motiva y nos ayuda a alentar a otros a sembrar. Los supermercados no existieran sin lo que se produce en el campo. Por otro lado, aunque los supermercados dejaran de existir, la tierra seguirá dando sus frutos.

Pero debemos poner manos a la obra para que el trabajo se vea recompensado. Suena duro pero alguien tiene que hacerlo, y ese alguien eres tu mismo.

Te invito, si por casualidad nunca has plantado un árbol, anota eso como unas de tus prioridades que debes cumplir antes de que fallezcas. Seria una buena oportunidad para dejar una huella y saber que has hecho algo bueno, algo que te corresponde hacer en tu paso por esta vecindad que llamamos tierra, y que todos debemos cuidar y sembrar.

Ahorita seguimos la lucha contra la maleza, tratando de frenarla un poco para poder sembrar y cosechar algo.

En el siguiente vídeo les quiero mostrar como esta el patio de mi casa, a pesar de haberlo limpiado haces pocos días, y hoy esta cubierto de hierva.

En una próxima oportunidad, con la ayuda de Dios, deseo presentar ese mismo suelo sembrado con algunas especies alimenticias.
Esperamos los anime a ustedes también.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Congratulations dear for the arrival of the winter. It is very hot nowadays here in Pakistan. The heat is too severe and it is hard to bear. And after a month here also a pleasant season will start.

Hello, best regards. How nice to know that you read me from so far away. And yes, it is always nice the change of seasons. I hope you enjoy the winter in your country a lot, after so much heat.
Best regards.

Thank you so much dear for the best regards and the hood news is that here the weather is changing little by little. And I will surely enjoy the winter after this a lot of heat of summer.

You have a great place I love the green planet

greetings. Thank you for reading me.

 3 years ago  

Hmmm, I wonder if you can supress teh weeds with cardboard or something? And try making a compost tea - have you heard of this? Comfrey is particularly good but alos nettle and broad leaf weeds, in water, allowed to rot, maybe with some worm poo? Layering the soil with mulch and organic matter in between seasons might help too. I can understand your frustration but you will get there in the end!

Hi. I haven't really heard of this tea. I will do some more research on it and see how I can follow your good advice. thanks for your support.

I've quite a few succulents and houseplants, but my green thumb is unfortunately more like a touch of death 🤣.