Hey guys! Today we have the seventh edition of custom cards made for Gods Unchained. As always cards were made with this easy to use custom cards generator.
In this edition, we won't be focusing on a particular theme, its only spell cards with some interesting effects to spice up some new playstyles and even archetypes. Today's card feature some amazing artwork from BellaBergolts and TheFearMaster. If you are interested in seeing more of their work follow them on Devianart.
Bring it On!

Making your god a primary target for taking damage isn't usually something you would go for but you have to remember. Your god's health is also a resource that you can use all the way down to 1 and still be able to win the game. Giving your god Frontline is an interesting way of protecting your creatures. Most of the time as an Aggro player your health isn't really important in terms of winning or losing but rather maintaining your pressure on the board and your total damage output capabilities. If you have a lot of damage on board and your opponent is in range for lethal, this card might screw them over since now the only way they can deal with your creatures is by playing removal spells as they aren't able to trade them with their creatures or attack with relics. It would be interesting to see something like this for supporting the Aggro archetypes.
Dance of the Shadows

When I think of Deception cards, I more often than not, come up with some effects that the receiving player would find tricky to deal with or just annoying. It feels like this card capture both of these attributes. The power of this card actually relies on complicating the situation on the board right before you play this card and ending your turn as fast as possible to really minimize the amount of time your opponent has to react to your play. Not only that but because of the way the time penalty works in this game, even your opponent's next turn will be affected making it just a little bit shorter and if they aren't fast enough they might end up losing time on additional turns throughout the game. I know this card seems a bit silly but I wouldn't be surprised to see this type of effect in some form, especially as a Deception card.
Stimulated Growth

Right now, in the game we don't have a single 0 mana cost card, and this won't change even with the new expansion. That is a bit disappointing but I do understand that any 0 cost card even with a minuscule effect can come with an unpredictable power and allow easy synergies, which isn't always bad I should add. But what if there is a major cost outside of the mana system? That's why this idea came specifically for Nature. Nature has a tendency to generate a lot of random cards, sometimes you get something you really want/need for the particular situation but sometimes you get cards that you can't even properly use throughout the whole game. This card can give those useless ones different purposes, a sacrifice for some tempo in return. 3 card sacrifice does sound a lot but it seems like Nature is getting even more card generation from the new expansion than it has now and getting more garbage random cards is inevitable, so maybe there would be a place for something like this.
Forbidden Technique

To unleash some devastating power, you must "cheat" a little. Following up this card with any single target removal spell, makes it a decent board clear but it costs you two cards instead of one. The advantage comes from less mana spent on clearing the board. Other than that, there are many more ways you can combo this card with different spells. The first thing that comes to mind is Levitate. Not only does it remove up to three Frontline/Backline keywords from the opponent's creatures but it also can draw up to 3 cards, and this is only for 1 additional mana. A Sip of Elixir can become the strongest ramp card in the game if you are able to cast it on three creatures. There are a lot of other shenanigans you can pull of with this, involving for example Beam or many Runes that Magic can utilize really well already. Even though it is a card that can make other plays really powerful, it might not be too strong since it doesn't actually do anything on its own. One problem might arise from being able to "amplify" multiple spells on the same turn but this is hard to tell without testing it out.
Mark of the Afterlife

Ever since I've seen that deck idea for the tempo/zoo Afterlife type of deck on the content creator playtest, I've been trying to work out some potential lists that could work in the competitive meta. That type of deck definitely looks like it has a lot of potentials but it might lack in the late game department. That's when I thought of this one. The way it works, it triggers all of the Afterlife effects in your void once and doesn't repeat if you have multiple of the same ones in the void. For 6 mana it can certainly create a huge amount of stats spread across multiple bodies. For example, if you have in your void, Soul Jar, Nether Advocate, Trojan Golem, and Millenium Matryoshka. You would get a two 2/2s, a 3/2, 1/1 with Frontline, and a random anim (let's take 2/3 as average). This is essentially a 10/10 worth of stats across five bodies. This is quite powerful indeed but it requires a LOT of setups and its weak to almost any board clear and initially you need empty or near-empty board to summon all of these creatures. Maybe it would make more sense as a 7 mana card but then it feels even more susceptible to a bigger variety of answers. Anyway, it is something I'd like to see in the game. Not only because of its tempo capabilities but in combination with other Afterlife effects too, that could potentially create even crazier scenarios.
Accidental Discovery

This is a type of card that if you are going to introduce into the game, you are saying something along the line, "let's flip the deckbuilding process and general ideas upside down". I know its silly to say something like this just because of one card but this is my thought process if we had access to something like this. Right now, we are making decks with god specific cards, because they are stronger and offer a lot of synergies while we can support them with some key Neutral cards. With this available, we could potentially try to make a deck oriented around a lot of Neutral cards and support them with a couple of god specific cards, giving us a lot of experimenting to do which is the number one thing I enjoy, and I think many card game players do. It's not some groundbreaking way to build decks but it is something that could offer a lot of fun to players that really enjoy deckbuilding and experimenting with new cards. One problem I've thought about with this card is the lowering a cost of 6+ mana cards could lead to some broken tempo advantages for the player with those Neutral cards but it does lower ALL cards cost which includes your opponents, so it can be even helping your opponent.
Thaeriel's Scale

For the last one, I have more questions then I have answers. Can this be a fair card? At what mana cost? Is this effect even legal? And would you like to see it in the game?
I don't know, but I sure find this one interesting for one reason. Let's pretend this card is in the game for the moment. Just because it exists, the dynamic of playing with and versus Light changes. You always need to be on the lookout if you are leaving their creatures on the board and going face and always calculating what is the total health of both gods in the given moment. I find this interesting and its the only reason I'm presenting it here today.
That's it for today's custom card edition. I hope you enjoyed this one. There are some pretty interesting concepts I didn't even think about before. Like the Dance of the Shadows that can interact not only with the player's turn length but also with the time penalty system itself. Neutral spells will now be a thing, so it is a whole new aspect to think about as well and this is my first idea that looked interesting and there will be a lot more in the future. Now seriously what do you guys think about Thaeriel's Scale, please leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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Thank you for reading!
Interesting stuff! Thanks!
I really like 'Bring It On'. That would have great synergy with Enduring Shield!
Thank you very much man!
I thought of that synergy but the reason to run this card, at least I think, would be for an Aggro player defending their creatures. So although Enduring Shield seems like it has crazy synergy it doesn't feel like you would run both of these cards in the same deck.
Do you maybe have some thoughts on the Thaeriel's Scale though? :D
I would try running Bring it On / Shield in a Control deck. Use it mid to late game to block your opponents creatures and keep yours safe for a turn or two.
As for Thariel's Scale, I'm not too sure about that one. Sure, there are times where it could be a useless 7 mana card, but there are other times would it could just be an extremely frustrating, toxic play. I think there needs to be some sort of negative side to it (aside from mana cost), though I dont know what that would be. Maybe something like ' Destroy your God Power'? But then it might an extra buff. Perhaps give Ward and/or Protection?
Yeah, well if you time it right it could work in Control deck too, but I was thinking more of it as an aggro card just because there will always be something to protect.
Hmm, in my eyes the card has a built-in negative side. As you said, sometimes it will just be a useless expensive card.
I'm not sure why, as you can play around it and if your opponent decides to play it, let's say for the original cost of 7 mana, they won't have any mana left to clear your board or summon creatures to defend.
Healing yourself for 10 while reducing your opponent's health by a lot, does sound powerful but in that scenario it's more than likely you are already losing on the board and you don't have time to play it.
Thanks for your thoughts!