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RE: Elden Ring - Caelid Catacombs & Boss Fight w/Cemetary Shade (1st Attempt)

in Hive Gaming • 3 years ago

It was so enjoyable to read. I can relate since I've played the game before and dungeons are the best! You'll never know what you'll see in the next turn when you don't read the signs. 😅
Nice kill!

 3 years ago  

Thanks! Yeah the dungeons have that thrilling yet slightly claustrophobic feeling to them where you're getting ambushed by enemies in places with not a lot of wiggle room lol. The signs from online mode are such a huge help too. Love them. Thanks again for checking out post :)

Sometimes the signs are fake though 😂

 3 years ago  

Yeah ... I've discovered that the hard way on many occasions haha thankfully some good souls out there put warning sighs of "liar ahead" but a small part of me sometimes doubts even the warnings lol

Hahahaha! You gotta be careful not to be tricked. You should try going to the dungeon that you need to break walls. So satisfying.

 3 years ago  

Lol I'll do my best. I saw some videos of that online and was amazed that there's quite a few fake walls in the game. Now I need to make a check-list and retry all the dungeons in search of all the hidden loot I've missed out on but I agree -- finding them will be very satisfying.

I was doing a mission to find all the dungeons in the game but nah, there are too many! 😂
In the end, I couldn't find all of them, maybe around 85% or 90%? It was so good though but if you're only going for the dungeons, sometimes it could get boring. A mix would be fine. 😂 Good luck! Rooting for you!